Algae On Filter


New Member
May 8, 2021
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Hello everyone,

I'm here with some more beginner questions, I'd really appreciate any insight/advice.
My tank has been established, I've had it for about 3 months. I replaced the filter 15 days ago, and noticed today it's quite green. I have the Aqueon M replacement filters. I've read that the filter should only be replaced every 4-6 weeks. However, do I need to clean the filter at all? The inside of my tank looks good, and my fish seem happy & healthy.

Thank you.
Hello @alfiethefish
I assume by replacing the filter you mean throwing away the old one and getting a new one in. The manufacturers want that for increased revenue. In future it's worth ignoring them - keep the same filter until it falls to bits. It is the main site of your beneficial bacteria. Unfortunately, if you threw out the old one you lost most of them :( . Check your water parameters to see if your ammonia and nitrite levels are OK.
The new filter might benefit from a clean, but NEVER under tap water. Just squeeze it out a few times in some tank water. Part of it's function is as a physical filter so it probably picked up some tank gunk.
Yes, I meant throwing away the old one and putting in a new. Great! So I'll keep it in. The ammonia and nitrite are both at zero. Thank you so much for your reply!

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