We bought an algae eater last month, I don't know the proper name for it because I wasn't there when my Dad bought it.
All it's ever done since we've had it is latch itself onto the back of the filter all day long, in one position. It hardly ever moves. There's some brown algae around the tank but he doenst even seem at all bothered about that, he jsut sits there. Every time i clean the filter, he wanders around for a bit but then he's back there within a few minutes.
Any comments?
All it's ever done since we've had it is latch itself onto the back of the filter all day long, in one position. It hardly ever moves. There's some brown algae around the tank but he doenst even seem at all bothered about that, he jsut sits there. Every time i clean the filter, he wanders around for a bit but then he's back there within a few minutes.
Any comments?