Algae eater?

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Jul 28, 2004
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I've been worried about what kind of fish to add to my tank, and have totally forgotten about adding an algae eater. I know that common Pleco's get relatively large and I only have a 30 gallon tank. What should I get? :dunno:
ldytmropr said:
I've been worried about what kind of fish to add to my tank, and have totally forgotten about adding an algae eater. I know that common Pleco's get relatively large and I only have a 30 gallon tank. What should I get? :dunno:
A bristle nose pleco.
I disagree, for a small tank the best algae eater is a group of Oto's.
I have 2 rubbernose pleco's and 4 oto's, the pleco's barely move, and don't eat much of the algae in my tank, the Oto's clear it like there's no tomorrow!
I don't know about Rubbernose Plecos but I have experience with Dwarf Bristlenose and there's nothing like them. I had 2 Ottos in one of my tanks and they did such a lousy job I had to get a Bristlenose for it. Maybe we just have lazy Ottos in this part of the world. ;)
In that sized tank, bristlenoses should be fine. I did used to have ottos as well, and the ability of bristlenose cleaning the tank is not even close to what ottos can do (bristlenoses are far better at eating, and they also eat much larger variety). BUT the price is that bristlenoses are far dirtier than otto. Ottos produce almost no waste while your bristlenose will produce 90% of your aquarium waste.

Still, I'd choose bristlenose. ;)
I agree I have a bristlenose and he is really cute and does a fab job on my tank. I never have to clean my glass.

I also decided to get two oto's because I like them and even though my bristle nose does a fab job, i thought extra help can't go amiss.

I brought two home and one died within a few hours (all parameters were fine) the lfs replaced the lost fish and he also died in a few hours.

I know oto's like to be with a friend but i am too worried to get another and that one die too so my oto is on his own for now. He seems quite happy though. :D
Well, the score is 4-3 in favor of the Otoes. Guess that's what I"ll check out. Thanks!!

I can vouch for the Otos. I have a bristlenose in one of my tanks and he's a lazy sod!! He cleans the rocks and wood where he lives and hides all the time, but I have to clean the glass myself. In my 20g I have 6 otos (overkill I know, but they were on offer and I wasn't sure how many I should get!) and I never clean that tank. They are unbelievable!! If you want proof, check my thread here!!
yhbae said:
I guess not all bristlenoses are born equal... :lol:
lol i agree! my bristlenose doesnt do a great job on cleaning off algae but i dont care. i got him in the first place because i saw him in my lfs and thought "that fish is so cool!" and i bought him lol.

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