Algae eater?

I got a Plecos for my tank (one of them) and it did a ok job at best. I got two Siamese Algae Eater and they are GREAT! They cleaned both my tanks like no tomorrow. I got the true Siamese Algae Eaters (Crossocheilus siamensis). There is a false version named Epalzeorhynchos sp. The Epalzeorhynchos can be agressive towards other fish. I'm very happy with my Siamese Algae Eaters.

I was going to buy some Otos, but I can never find any at my lfs.
Also, recommend Otos. Just don't let someone who thinks they know everything about "so-called" algae eaters sell you Siamese Algae eaters by telling you that they are Otos. Siamese Algae eaters are sometimes know as being aggressive to other fish, territorial, and are known to attach to the sides of fish. Sounds like a bad alien movie.

Sorry had to vent that. I had a so-called knowledgeable fish person try to sell me SA's for Otos. He couldn't tell the difference. Also, SA's grow larger than Otos. who usually grow no more that 1 1/4", are very docile and clean the tank like everything. Also, in comparison to Plecos they are not big poopers. Love my Plecos but they are BIG ammonia producers and even the smallest grow to 4".
Final Dynazty said:
Dont snails do a good job to i never used them but i heard they do a good job.
Depends on the kind of snail. I have Ivory Mystery Snails and they do a fantastic job. I got them from aquabid and they had my very gunky tank cleaned out in under a week. I have 7-8 in my 46g and 5 in my 10g.
rvm said:
I can vouch for the Otos. I have a bristlenose in one of my tanks and he's a lazy sod!! He cleans the rocks and wood where he lives and hides all the time, but I have to clean the glass myself. In my 20g I have 6 otos (overkill I know, but they were on offer and I wasn't sure how many I should get!) and I never clean that tank. They are unbelievable!! If you want proof, check my thread here!!
Did the otts do a job like that? I read your other post, that was amazing!
Yup, that was all them!! Unless Khuli loaches and tiger barbs suddenly took to eating algae!!!! :lol:

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