Albinos Spawning!

If I move the eggs over before they hatch do I wait to put the sponge filter in and just use the airstone till they hatch? Kinda worried about moving them after they hatch. Which way will be best? Im scared they will get stuck inbetween the pantyhose and the craft mesh in the breeder if they hatch... should I stick the eggs on the glass in the grow out? Goodness Im a bundle of nerves! :crazy:
If the sponge filter is mature then leave it until the eggs hatch,otherwise the sponge media will die back...its surprising what ammonia (& with feeding) the little fry will produce,although the filter will grow the bio load with the fry has they grow,but you must still keep an eye on the stats :good:

You can move the eggs,they may have lost the stickyness,so you may be better putting them in a catching net with an airstone underneath to aid circulation,if the net lifts just pop a pebble in the bottom to weigh it down,or you can transfer the eggs into a tupperware tub and clip inside the tank,again with an airstone in there,i've done it both ways with good success of hatching :good:
Ok, thank you. I have the API master test kit and will be sure to test at least once a day! If they arent sticky then I will put them in the net, at least that way i wont be going crazy worrying about them getting stuck! :lol: Sorry for being such a worry wort!

I was just the same though,still am,especially with my panda babes,i added some pics to my panda fry thread of them :) :lol:
:D At least Im not the only one!! I saw the pics, too cute! My 2yr old loved them too. He made me show him the pics three times. :lol:
Checked the eggs a bit ago and have three hatched!!!!!!! The net has a small hole in it that they have escaped through and are in the tank! Getting a headache watching such tiny theings on the sand :lol: They blend in too well! Ok, do I wait till they have all hatched to swich from airstone to sponge filter or go ahead and do it? And do I feed tomorrow or the next day? Also just a tiny pinch of first bites soaked right? When do I do the first water change? :S Sorry so many questions! Anything I am forgeting? :lol:
Wayhay congrats :hyper: :good:

yep they're hard to spot on the sand :rolleyes: ,they should all hatch today,some may take a bit longer,i would add the sponge filter once you start feeding them(is it matured)Normally food can be added once they've used their eggsac up,but these are hard to see on albinos on sand :lol: They should be ok for today,give them a small feed starting tomorrow,yep soak firstbites in a bit water then add to the tank. :good:
I do small w/c (ensure temp match) between each feed,suck out any leftovers to keep the sand clean :good: might have to check the water before throwing it,just in case,its surprising what little so in so's go up the tube :rolleyes: :lol:
If you got a bit of sponge handy from your filter,squeeze it into the tank,this will help the wee fry along :nod:

Good luck with them :good:
Yes the sponge filter is mature, I have al least one in all tanks except the 5g. Im going to use one of them for this tank. I have plenty of sponge I can squeeze over them. Do I do that as soon as they have all hatched? Two more in the net :hyper:
Yep once they've all hatched and in the tank,squeeze the filter into the tank,probably go murky,but the fry will feed off any microbs in there :good:
Ok! Will do :good: How long do I leave the mulm in there till I vac it out? Again I really am so sorry to bug you with all these questions! Thank you for being so patient and helpful. :)
yep just suck it out gradually on waterchanges,hopefully the filter will get some stuck to it also that the fry can nibble :good:
So I rescued around 22 from the main tank too...couldnt help it. :blush: Almost all of them have hatched in the net so I went ahead and stuck in the filter and squeezd one of the sponges from the parents tank in there. Im not sure that tank will ever be clean again :blink: There is sooo much mulm in there I may never be rid of it! :crazy: Good thing about the net they are in once they hatch they have just been going right through the holes into the tank :lol: Wondered why all the empty eggs and no fry until I watched 3 of them do that!
Yet another question...Do I still feed the first bites while the tank is full of mulm? And does a 1g w/c sound like enough, or more or less? They are too cute in the mulm, I am using a flashlight to watch them and they are having a blast in there!! All I see most of the time is the end of a tail sticking out going all over! :lol: I have seen quite a few of them going up in the water. The tank is full, do I need to lower the level or will it be ok? Thanks!
Update! I have been doing 50% w/c and testing the water at least twice a day. Only found one dead so far. Been removing a bit of the mulm each w/c. Fed a pinch of firstbites just now after I soaked them a bit! Had a small ammonia spike yesterday evening(.25ppm) but did a w/c and got to 0. I can see their little fins and what looks to be tiny little barbels with the magnifying glass! :wub:

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