Albino fish list

Might want to be careful there. Some of the members appear ready to string up others for suggesting genetically modifying fish, even if they would look really interesting. :p
My thought is, get a lovely sleek Puffer (luv puffer fish! :wub: ) take a great closeup digital shot of it, use your computer to colour it insanely wild colours, print an 8x10 of that, or several colour variations (a la Andy Warhol) and put it up on your wall. The fish is fine and you weren't just cyber-hanged by those against genetically tampering with fish. TA DA! Besides Mother Nature would smile on ya too eh? That being said, look how we've genetically tampered with dogs! What a discussion THAT could start eh? :X Please don't!

One day I'd love some dwarf puffers, they are soooooo neat. But it sure freaks me out when I go into a pacific themed restaurant and sure enough, overhead is some huge puffed out puffer used as a lantern! ACK! :crazy: :X
anyways, does anyone know wich species of turtles come in albino? Also, should we inclue albino speciues like the white knife and the Blind Mexican Cave tetra
I will post my female albino guppy. Sorry for the huge water stain, but here she is with other regular coloured guppies:

Looks like a hungry, hungry fish. :lol: Turtles that are albino though? I am pretty sure the typical pet varieties do. Red Ear Sliders, Box Turtles, etc but I think they're fairly expensive and hard to come across. I've seen them before but never for sale.
male and female albino kribs
(photo taken at work)
there is also the Albino Electric Yellow/Yellow Lab

I have an albino red swordtail, currenlty breeding him for some new variations :) no photos though unfortunately.
we have albino fireheads in stock at work.
I'll post pics when I bring some home next week.
Teelie said:
wwestar2000 said:
wait i thought all animals can be albino?

They can but these are all ones you can find in the trade (though some are much, much rarer than others like Kuhlis).

The ones that are common are the ones that are bred in captivity; albinos are rare in *nature* in most species. If one could breed khulis, albinos would be available.
Opcn said:
What is a firehead?

firehead tetra Hemigrammus bleheri commonly sold as rummynose tetra
but they are a different species Hemigrammus rhodostomus

99.9% of people think they own rummynose tetras when in fact they have fireheads.
I brought home the albino fireheads today
here is a quick shot of them in the bag
SirMinion said:
Albino cats are almost always deaf too.

Not sure on albinos, but white cats with blue eyes are usually deaf. I think thats a pretty complete list, there have been recorded instances of things like albino bettas but they didn't live as long as were blind (I think). I've always thought though, how cool would an albino ABF be?

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