Albino fish list

It's also called leucism when they have the white skin/blue eyes although Webster claims the word doesn't exist. :p

Panda Cories:
Ive got albino Tinfoil Barb, got pics but no where to host them :(
Also i see albino red finned (rainbow) but we also have completely white with red eyes avalible here also, again have pics but no hosting.
Also ive seen albino sucking loaches in a lfs.
Id really love a large albino silver dollar (would it be a white dollar?)
plus how cool would a large albino silver shark be?(It would be great....a great white shark!!!!) :rofl: :rofl: How sad am i....... plz dont answer that.
here is two of my albino glowlight tetra
Looks like you have a tiny turtle in the lower right hand corner of the last picture.
An albino cool is that? The shell pattern looks awesome.

Is it just me or are others spooked by the cherry red eyes of alot of albinos? I even had an albino hamster and while she was a snuggle bunny, those eyes! I mean it's bad enough when my cats' eyes glow green! Red??? :blink: (I hear either XFiles, Twilight Zone or Dr. Who theme here) :rolleyes:

Um aquatic albinos...does an albino horse that loves to swim count? :kana: Just ignore me.

Dangerous Dan I LOVE that idea of getting a "great white shark". Now I'm going to be on the lookout for an albino shark just so I can use that line! "Guess what I have in my tank?" :lol:

General Question: Do albinos seem to be as healthy as regular coloured species? I read somewhere they aren't. Your experience? (of course I'm not counting deep sea colourless fish or blind cave fish in this, I mean species were albino-ism crops out.)
SnowyzMom said:
General Question: Do albinos seem to be as healthy as regular coloured species?

The only problem albino I've heard of is male albino kribs;
they seem very suceptable to a cancerous growth in the mouth.
SnowyzMom said:
General Question: Do albinos seem to be as healthy as regular coloured species? I read somewhere they aren't. Your experience? (of course I'm not counting deep sea colourless fish or blind cave fish in this, I mean species were albino-ism crops out.)

I know with budgies you shouldnt breed 2 albinos or Lutinos and albino as the results are usually blind and of bad health. Whether this rule applys with fish i have no idea, i would think it would. I think that because I can...... :hey:
Albino cats are almost always deaf too.

Back to fish though.. does anyone have a picture of an albino Senegal Bichir?
What I really want to see is an albino puffer, that or a puffer in flourescent colors, wich is possible as alot of genetic research happens in puffers. But I digress.

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