Big fish
I think albinos are cool, So IO figure we could make a list of albino aquatic animals just for future reference.
So far I have come up with
African clawed frogs
Angel fish, fresh water*tk
Apple snails
black neon tetra*w
Bristlenose plecos*t
buenos aires tetras
cherry barbs
clown knifes*j
Common plecos*t
Convict Cichlids
Giant danio*w
Glowlight tetra*w
Iredescent sharks
Khuli loaches
Kissing Gouramis
Kribensis Cichlids
Mystery snails
Neon tetras
Panda Corries*t
peacock Cichlids
Peppered Cories*t
Rainbow sharks
Redtailed black sharks
Sailfin Plecos*t
Senegal Bichir*s
Steel-Blue killifish*b
Tiger barbs*t
Tinfoil Barbs*d
White Cloud Mountain Minnows
Yellow Lab*dd
Zebra Danios (and leopards by default)
Thats all that comes to mind, if you post more I'd be more than willing to add them to this list
*t=Teelie's submisions
Edited in for clairity: Apple snails and mystery snails are all part fo the same genus, but two different divisions within it.
Edit: wrote redfinned black shark (another name for rainbow shark) Should have been red tailed black shark.
So far I have come up with
African clawed frogs
Angel fish, fresh water*tk
Apple snails
black neon tetra*w
Bristlenose plecos*t
buenos aires tetras
cherry barbs
clown knifes*j
Common plecos*t
Convict Cichlids
Giant danio*w
Glowlight tetra*w
Iredescent sharks
Khuli loaches
Kissing Gouramis
Kribensis Cichlids
Mystery snails
Neon tetras
Panda Corries*t
peacock Cichlids
Peppered Cories*t
Rainbow sharks
Redtailed black sharks
Sailfin Plecos*t
Senegal Bichir*s
Steel-Blue killifish*b
Tiger barbs*t
Tinfoil Barbs*d
White Cloud Mountain Minnows
Yellow Lab*dd
Zebra Danios (and leopards by default)
Thats all that comes to mind, if you post more I'd be more than willing to add them to this list
*t=Teelie's submisions
Edited in for clairity: Apple snails and mystery snails are all part fo the same genus, but two different divisions within it.
Edit: wrote redfinned black shark (another name for rainbow shark) Should have been red tailed black shark.