Albino Corydoras Eggs

I hatch my fry in small tubs with an airstone, I only use one alder cone as my tubs are very small.
I leave it overnight or until it turns the water tea coloured then I take it out, after the eggs have been in that water 24 hours I start changing small amounts of water through the day to remove most of the alder water.
You'll still get some eggs going fuzzy as not all will be fertile just remove those, I wouldn't use methylene blue as well as the cones.
OK many thanks for your help. i think i will try methylene first and then if that does not work try alder cones. Thankyou very much, what brand off methylene blue have u used because i got king british for other treatment and apparently its rubbish so didnt want to make the same mistake again. Thanks
She has had some more. Witnessed her this morning was amazing. Both albinos were swimming like crazy. However when she had them I did not notice the male go over them when they were on side of tank. Does hr fertilise them when she has them underneath her belly or once properly relased.

My tank is already undergoing treatment again. Should I remOve them into my guppy fry tank and add methylene or will this harm the fry?

When corys spawn they go into what's called the 'T' position, the female takes sperm from the male to fertilise the eggs then the eggs drop down into her pelvic fins, she'll then look for a place to put the eggs.
Have a look on YouTube there are lots of videos showing how they spawn
Thankyou very much so that means when she lays them they should already be fertolized? Thanks
Hi. How often should I do a water change after adding methylene blue?

Use it while still eggs. Once they hatch, start the waterchanges.

Had a spawn myself, but all the eggs were eaten.
Aww what a shame. On day 3 now and only one lot have gotton fungus fingers crossrd nomore do. I still have not done a water change and would you recommend addingore methylene blue? I added 1 ml and it is the kimg British one as I could find another.

Does it take long for the eggs to hatch?

Don't add any more methylene blue, the eggs usually hatch between 3-5 days depending on the temperature, once you see movement from the eggs start doing small water changes using water from the parent tank
No worries on the Cory eggs, as of last night had thirty or fourty free swimming Angel fry. We'll see if any make it.
Many thanks for your help I shall observe hopefully see movement next couple days. Aww good luck hope they all turn out well

Hi. She jas had more eggs this morning. Had to move them to the other tank this time I have placed on side of tank as no other fish in the tank apart from previous cory eggs in hatchery still. Fo I add more blue I am unsure what to do now she has had more

If I moved the male and female to the tank with the eggs would they eat them does anyone no?

Some are egg eaters. I had one that was awful about it. Others it was the males trying to clean a spot for the female to lay. It may not be true of all, but in my experience as they get older theyget less interested in the eggs.
Thanks mist off the d lot have got fungus and its been 5 days dont see no change in eggs also 2nd lot r doin ok so far on sode of tank and not clumped hopefully get a better outcome

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