Albino Corydoras Eggs

If these eggs hatch am I best transferring them to my spare tank?

Depends on tankmates, and if your other tank is cycled.
If they hatch, don't get too worked up if not all the fry make it. It's a learning curve.

Mine I just left alone, but it was a Cory only tank for a while. My first successful spawn was three fry, one made it to adulthood. The next was five, only two survived. Now I have Angels and Bolivian Rams in the tank, so if the eggs don't get eaten, the fry will.

If they are moved, most folks I know like a bare bottom tank for easier cleaning, a bit of wood and moss for hiding.
Many thanks for your adivce. They have got a little bit of fungus on them at the moment. Hope it is not worse in the morning.
How did u manage to prevent the eggs from getting fungus? Mine have got it a little bit more than yesterday. I wish they hatch.
You can use a couple of drops of methylene blue in the tub with the eggs to prevent them fungusing.
Before they're due to hatch change the water to remove any blue, you can also use alder cones, but again change the water before they hatch.
As Lillefishy says, and good, but not too strong flow over the eggs.
As for mine, they were left to hatch or not. If they got fuzzy I destroyed them.
Breeding and rearing fry can be a challenge, and a lot of fun, unless doing it for yourself be sure to have an outlet, lest you get overrun with fish.
I have a friend on another site who started breeding Peppered Cory. Of 40 eggs in the first spawn, one survived. As she got the hang of it she had to start letting eggs go, as she ran out of tanks for raising fry.
In the end it comes down to experience. With each spawn you get a little better. And the fishy parents get a little better.
I have got Esha 2000 but it must not be doing well. Will get methylene blue for when she has some more. Thanks. How long did u use it for? From day the hatch untol born?

Many thanks. What is alder cone? Once this fungus treatment that I am using for another of my fish I shall do a 50% water change prior to using methylene blue. How long shall the blue treatment be used for? Last day of current treatment tomorrow which I have had to use twice to get rid of the fungus present on another fish. Would it be ok to then do a big water change and use the blue the following day as the eggs that were laid yesterday do not have fungus as ov yet however the first lot a couple days before do.
Also what brand off methylene blue would you recommend. King British ome is sold near me however someone said it osnt the best brand for anything. Would you agree?

Any eggs with fungus should be removed as they will infect the others.
As for the best, I use Kordon, if you can get it. Can't say it's the best, but it works for me.
Also make sure you don't have any carbon in your filter when adding meds.
Ok thanks again u have been a good help :) ok I believe my filter does not have carbon.
They didnt make it again :( must be doing something wrong or maybe I just dont have the right treatment. I am browsing the net now for some good methylene. Cant seem to gind that brand u said in uk :(

Have a look for alder cones too, they help prevent the eggs from fungusing.
Also when you collect the eggs try not to have them in clumps as if one egg goes bad it affects any others that are touching it
OK thank you, she generally lays them on the plants in which I just tear the leaf off and put in hatchery that way with the eggs separated. However, if she lays on side off the tank I gently get them off but some do clump together though. How is the best way to prevent them joining together? Do you have them next to an air stone or next to the filter flow? Also which other methylene blue would you recommend?
Thanks again for your help really appreciate it 

The alder cones are kinda cheap :) how many would you put in and how often and could i use them aswell as the methylene?

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