Albino Corydoras Eggs


Mostly New Member
Mar 28, 2014
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Hi all

Woke up this morning to around 40 eggs in my tank. I have moved them into a separate breeding tank. Luckily most were attached to a plant so u just moved the plant leaf. I have put them near the air stone and not far from the filter so the water moves around them. I am just concerned if they are fertile as im not 100% certain theres aale present. I recently added another albino to the one I already had and they started chasing each other like crazy and then the female became fat. I did not witness her layin the eggs this morning. Waz just windering if anyone knows any good tips on how to care for the eggs if they are fertile and also if it is pissible for her to lay eggs with no male.

Many thanks for your help in advance
Congrats in the spawn.
Methalyene blue is the favored antifungal for Cory eggs. Keep an eye on them, if they go white and fuzzy remove as they are not viable and will infect the other eggs.

Chasing like crazy sounds like spawning behaviour. Easiest way to tell male and female is to look from above. Built like a speedboat=male, built like a tugboat=female.
Many thanks for your advice. Yes it looks like o do have a male and female :) I believe a few have a black dot in the middle. The tank is already undergoing treatment for fungus. However, around 10 eggs had fungus on so removed them I am hoping that the rest dont as they do look fertile
Hi. It womt seem to let me upload a pic of them says its too large. I believe the rest may have fungus also :(
Chin up, keep em fat and happy and they'll spawn again and again.
Took mine three or four spawns before they quit eating the eggs. Now the Angels eat all the eggs.
But of the eight Aeneus in the tank five were born in the tank. The first is a Bronze/Albino mix just over a year old.

The best mix is two males per female, but it only takes one of each.
Feed em high protien foods, I use shrimp pellets as a staple. Doing water changes with the water a few degrees cooler than the tank water helps. But mine get frisky when a low pressure system moves through.

Just keep plugging away.
Hi. Thanks for your help. All of them this morning have fungus on :( will get se methylene blue ready for next batch. Such a shame as the eggs appear to be fertile. As they have gone a darker colour with black dots. Should I get rid off them or hope for the best? I hope she has more soon as im gutted they got fungus.

Congrats on ur spwan :)
When u say methylene blue what was the name off the brand?

If they've gone dark & not completely white & fuzzy don't be too quick to ditch them, sometimes you get lucky & they hatch even though they've been a bit fuzzy
When I returned home they all were completely covered. Decided to get rid off them as thy didnt look healthy :( got some good anti fungal treatment for when sje spawns again.

She has had some more today :) got some eSHA 2000 and it states u can use it to prevent fungal on fish eggs. Only got around 10 this time but it was so close from when she had them before. Was only 29th march. They are currently in a hatchery and can see black dots in them. They are underneath an airstone so hopefully that will b strong enough. Any other tips and advice please??

You seem to be doing well so far.
They take between 3 and 5 days to hatch. After that they will survive off thier yolksack for a couple of days. Then feeding with one of the fry foods or crushed flake. Keep the water crystal clean.
Many thanks woke up to yet more this morning. Sure it hers again as they were on side of tank and also plants again. One of my rummy noses tho appeared to have a belly on her yest and this morning she never so wondering if it could of been them. The other lot of eggs are still ok no fungus as of yet and they are now beige in colour :)

@AquaPit, wish I could take credit.
If you have like mine I call Big Mama, she swells up like a blimp before she spawns.

@KellyMcc90, beige is a good sign.

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