Albino Cory Breathing Heavily


Apr 5, 2006
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my 2.5" female albino cory is breathing heavily at the rate of 3 times per second and has done that for a few months now. the male cory, which is a bit smaller, is fine at the moment though.

does anyone know what the cause is?

(water stats are fine)
Post water stats please.
A few months thats a long time.
Is he fish bloated, take a look at the barbels to see if there short and thin.
ya were going to need more info then just my stats are fine. Does she seem to be moving slower then usall.
my cories usually just sit around on the tank bottom. water stats are: ammonia/nitrites=0, nitrates between 5 and 10ppm, ph 6.9. fish is not bloated at the moment.
Do you have plenty of aeration in the tank as it can be tough on the bottom for corys if not.
Does the filter ripple the surface.
Corys are more prone to bacterial infections.
Sorry off to bed now, for now I would try and increase aeration to see if that makes any difference.
Do you have plenty of aeration in the tank as it can be tough on the bottom for corys if not.
Does the filter ripple the surface.
Corys are more prone to bacterial infections.
i have a bio-wheel power filter that ripples the surface, creating a few small bubbles, so i assume aeration is adequate.
Check the gills of the cory to see if there swolen or red and inflamed.
Any colour change being pale or dark in colour.
Hard to say, but corys are more prone to the bacterial side.
I would try a bacterial med.
I know this is a stupid question. But does the cory ALWAYS do it? Because they do tend to "breathe" heavily as they are eating. Thats the way they eat. Im just thinking if its been doing it for a few months maybe its just normal. Maybe there is some medication or salt in the water and it is struggling to breathe? Sorry i could be more help.

I know this is a stupid question. But does the cory ALWAYS do it? Because they do tend to "breathe" heavily as they are eating. Thats the way they eat. Im just thinking if its been doing it for a few months maybe its just normal. Maybe there is some medication or salt in the water and it is struggling to breathe? Sorry i could be more help.

there is no medication or salt in the water. the cory breathes rapidly even when not feeding.

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