So most of the tanks are now at my new place, just Beastie to be moved now, and the cherry shrimp pond
Some photos
The 6ft (this tank is in its permanent home now)
Stock: Angels, Discus, Dwarf loach, Neon tetra, Cardinal tetra, Silver tip tetra, Glolight tetra, Black neon tetra, Corydoras, Paradise fish, Peppermint BN, Common BN, Apistogramma, and i will be adding more corydoras in the next week
Some photos
The 6ft (this tank is in its permanent home now)
Stock: Angels, Discus, Dwarf loach, Neon tetra, Cardinal tetra, Silver tip tetra, Glolight tetra, Black neon tetra, Corydoras, Paradise fish, Peppermint BN, Common BN, Apistogramma, and i will be adding more corydoras in the next week