I had a really cheap and nasty air pump for a long while, it was so loud out could hear it outside the house and it wasnt that big.
I didnt have a lot of cash at the time, so what I did is I found plans for a sound proof box for a generator, scaled it down and put the air pump in it.
It was great worked really well, although you still heard a bussing noise it wasnt like having a V8 under the tanks.
It was sound proof but not air tight which was great, have a google for one of those that might be over kill though tbh.
I have a couple tetratecs which were great but after about 8months or so both pumps had their drums torn, I replaced them an a little while later the same thing. They were pretty quite which was good, but tbh when you look inside an airpump and see what it is, its gonna be pretty impossible to create a silent air pump.
but if anyone is reading this look for a quiet pump for oxygenating water then, as said previous point the powerhead, or move your internal filter up near the surface, this will create surface agitation which increases the amount of oxygen obsorbed by the water, not a good as an air pump, unlike previous suggested, as oxygen is obsorbed by the water as the ait moves through it, and then you have the added bonus of surface movement.