Ahhhhhhhhh 1 Missing


Fish Addict
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Leicestershire, England
got up this morning and im a cory short :sad: ive got 4 bronze ones 2 large ones and 2 slightly smallerones, when i first checked there was a small one missing now theres a large one missing so im slightly confused

ive got 2 small rock piles in the 2 back corners i wouldnt of thought there to be enough space for anything larger than a neon to squeeze through, dont particularly want to disturb the rock piles as the Rams have been guarding one pile

normally i have 6 corys, 6 neons 4 penguins 2 white clouds and a pair of rams, would any of this bunch eat a dead cory

they were my first tropical fish and i love them to bits so hope i havent lost one :byebye:

moved all the rocks around no 4th cory, checked all round the flor incase it made a bid for freedom when the hood's been open..............nothing

if its not been eaten its been abducted by aliens :blink:
I wouldn't worry to much, fish are amazing at hiding. Sometimes you can go days without seeing them, to the point were your positive they've died and all of a sudden they apear again.
Sometimes my cories go missing for weeks and then appear..Maybe he or she onli get out at night to eat and hide for the rest of the days
well then it must be hidding.. a cory body does not go away very fast >>
Bottom fish do hide well. I have had clown loaches 4" or so disappear for months.

On the other hand, do you have snails?
still only 3 unless its buryed in the sand somewhere its gone completly

i was taken into hospital for just over 24hours so it could of gone in that time and i just fed them when i got back didnt count the numbers
I have had bodies disappear (though not the bones) in that time. Snails do an especially fast job. On the other hand I have had fish hide out for much longer than that.

I hope he shows up. But if not, I'm sorry. :-(
ive had this happen to one of my cories, i bought 6, but suddenly there were 5, i dont think much of it now because it happened weeks ago and my tank is pretty bare atm so not many places to hide. It happened about a week after i bought them though so must have been some lfs related illness, the others are fine though, luckily. sorry that you cant find it :-(
last time my cory got trap in the sand and was coverd by rocks..So it could not come out and then it suffocate and died.............I hope it does not happen to yours...Maybe u could move the substrate around and find him.....If not ur scavengers might have eaten them.....MY apple snail can eat a dead guppy fry whole
Any of those fish might munch on a dead carcass. Have you checked your water perameters? Have you added a new fish? Changed water w/o turning the filter off? Done more that a 50% water change? Added anything that might kill the good bacteria (like meds)? Sprayed any kind of arisol near the tank? Is it an established/cycled tank?
yeah what are your water parameters? one time i accidently left the filter off, cam back from school, hang on, i hear no noise. I had slightly raised ammonia but luckily my fish came out of it alive, oh and FYI this was after my cory disappeared so no link there.

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