Ahhh Im Fuming Angry

No doubt if she dies giving birth because she was got by a much larger dog, you will be crying "pity me".

shes fine thanks for asking

So you would think that he would have told you not to let the pregnancy continue and to get her spayed wouldn't you?

i would have ended the pregnancy if i had found out early enough but i didnt so i never

Pneumonia doesn't cause so much damage that she couldn't have been spayed. I should know, I've had it 3 times. Excuses excuses.

well with her it did and it was a vets opinion that she not be spayed

it was not an unknown dog it was my mums dog which was also a spaniel so no much larger dog
Does my head in when people are like this. I went on a couple of dog forums before we got Alfie to ask some questions and people were going nuts because i said i didnt really want a pedigree due to the inbreeding and price! Anyways in the end we got Alfie whos a cross between a staff and a collie, beautiful dog :nod:

Sorry got a bit carried away then! i hope your dog is fine and dont feel bad about some stuck up muppets on the internet!
Does my head in when people are like this. I went on a couple of dog forums before we got Alfie to ask some questions and people were going nuts because i said i didnt really want a pedigree due to the inbreeding and price! Anyways in the end we got Alfie whos a cross between a staff and a collie, beautiful dog :nod:

Sorry got a bit carried away then! i hope your dog is fine and dont feel bad about some stuck up muppets on the internet!

Huh, that's just weird that anyone would get upset over someone wanting a mixed breed. I've never come across that, though I have met people who insist purebreds are better because "you know what you're getting" (sure, and that's not always a good thing, with some of the problems purebreds have)

and you would not hold it against them it was not you they were having a go at was it

No, I didn't suffer their abuse, but that's not to say I haven't been in the past, at other forums. No sir, I've gotten into PLENTY of arguments at a certain, top, animal rescue forum, because of my, lets call it, prehistoric, uneducated ideas of animal care (I was 16 when I signed into that particular forum, when I got involved in the animal rescue world). I would be left to tears, shaking, afraid to go back to the thread, but by God, I would have to so that I would at least have the chance to defend myself over the latest verbal attack. Yes sir, those were anxious times, and that's why I'm not telling you to "suck it up." I understand that everyone always feels they're in the right, and if they're actually in the wrong, it's through inexperience or their upbringing. Over time, they learn, as I did. For what it's worth, I still post at that aforementioned forum, and am still friends with those same people who ripped into me (and they're glad to see the turn my pets have taken in life). I might resent them a wee bit for the abuse they slung at a shy teenager, but like I said, I know now why they behaved that way, and I understand it. I remind them to calm down when they're flaming mad over yet another uneducated newbie poster, but I certainly don't think of them as uncaring little demon-worshippers. They just have a harsher view of life and they don't have the patience or time to care about the feelings of someone who's bred the 130,442nd cat of the year in so-and-so State or Province. They'll try to tell you the pros and cons, tell you why doing so-and-so was wrong, but they don't have the patience anymore to sugercoat it. You just have to look past it, read between the lines, and you'll understand the vast wisdom they're trying to get across to you. Animal people often aren't people-people.

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