

Where's Nemo :o
Dec 11, 2003
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Van BC Canada
=/ Well, I've been noticing it for a while now...like a few months back one of my kuhhlis were swelling up and at the bottom of their tummy i saw a longgg metalic greenish "sac" thingie...at first I thuoght it was her internal organs but now, after a few months have past, she's grown REALLY big and her sac thingie is huge so I caught her in a net yesterday, put the net against the glass, used a flashlight and shone it at the sac and there it was sooooo much litto wee dots...I'm sure they're eggs because none of my other kuhlis have it and they're all like the same shape and size...what should i do?
Could be(and more likely) a desease, there have been some unoficial acounts of khuli loachs spawning but no reports of fry been successfully raised...For an egglaying fish though the female is going to need a male to fertilise the eggs when they are layed and it is highly unlikely they are going to achieve that in a breeding net.
Heres some pic of tumors and cysts;




http://www.fishpalace.org/[email protected]

(check out the site for more examples)

If it is spreading its more likely a bacterial desease of some sort...Do you have any pics?
If i can borrow my friend's camera i'll gett pics...but im totally sure it isnt a tumor...it doesnt stick out its just like a pregnant guppy kinda thing...its just that its longer and yea...its just a more "fat" kuhli when you compare that one to the rest of mine
The colour sounds right for eggs anyway, they are supposed to be green. Have you got a male there to do his bit?
:*) I dont know how to sex them... :/ But anyways, I usually see the girl with another kuhli and they're always like on each other or wrapped around each other into this conch like shell thingie decoration thingie I put in my tank as a hiding place for fry and such...
Keep a close eye on them if you can.
Is it possible to seperate all the others from the pair?
Send some pics quick!!!!!!!!

Yea...I went today and got some peat, a piece of driftwood and put it in a 5 gallon with a heater and some aquaplus to help it...but the prob is iunno if i shuold put a filter in incase it kinda disturbs the kuhlis...i also have a fake plant in there..
dang...iunno if should classify this as good or bad news...but...another one of my kuhlis are beginning to swell up with eggs....when i isolated my kuhilis....i noticed that one of my kulihs had a teeny green sac n i looked at it closer and ....eggs... :/
If they realy are gravid, I'm incredibly curious about your tank's set-up... parameters, substrate, aquascape, plants, temperature, tankmates, water changes and what you feed them... :p I hope you do end up breeding them. That would be very ineresting. Good luck anyhow and, hopefuly, we'll be seeing some pics soon ;)
its not much of a set up...lol to tell the truth, i dont have much time to deal with my fish cuz of school...its just a 10gallon um A LOT of shells and hiding places like they love to go inside the shells to hide, i have a mix of gravel and peat in the tank i change their water like barely at all i just keep adding and addign water when the water level drops...its mainly just because idont have the time...but once its like a vacation time, i change their water once a week and i just feed them flakes and their tankmates are a few guppy fry and a male betta and a common pleco to take care of the algae...the temp is usually 70-75 farenheit and thats mainly it...:/ I used to have a lot of tanks but now I only keep like 5 running because of my limited time to take care of my fish...dang piano and school
Fascinating stuff, you must just have a bunch of randy loaches! :lol: Apart from the peat hiding places, I can't think of anything in what you've described that would encourage them to breed when they don't normally; they must just have hit upon it themselves!

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