New arrivals!

I found a LFS that will take the fry once they're big enough for them to sell. It's a big further a drive but happy to bypass that other place. Limited stock and very little plants. I'd probably trade for plants though #Addicted
edit typo. Again. All my life. Plagued by typos.
Remember when that crazy LFS guy didn't want you to buy an anubius, claiming it would kill your fish, and you were like "are you sure it would be okay to add real plants now?" You've come a long way my friend! :D
Checked the breeder box in the 12 gallon this morning, all had escaped bar one little apparently none too bright fry :lol:
Let that one out and checked for holes or stretched net, and nothing. This must just be an unusually small batch that can fit through the tiny holes, lol! The mum is a smaller female than my previous ones, so makes sense.

Still, it'll be easier for them to find food in the 12 gallon than in the 15.5 gallon tank, and no adults in there to potentially eat them, they can grow out in there, the cories won't harm them, and cories will be moving out soon too and finally joining the pair in the 57 gallon.

Could only see one fry still in the parent tank, tried to catch it and it was way too aware of the net and darted away, haha! Poor things, my blonde moment (hours) means they're very wary of the net now. It's usually pretty easy to catch guppy fry, but any that remain in the parent tank that don't get eaten will have to stay there it seems. I might get lucky and catch 'em at a later date, but not going to continue trying too hard and keep accidentally uprooting plants with the net, plants are barely getting established as it is.

Wish I had a black background for this tank, but haven't yet. Will try using a black bag as a temporary background so I can get some better photos of the fry in there when I get a chance.

Anyone wanna play spot the fry?
Saw a fry under the frogbit, snuck the net in and scooped from underneath. Removed all the frogbit from the net, and I'd caught two! We're up to 33 little fry in the 12 gallon now.
Caught one more fry from parent tank, bringing fry total in 12 gallon to 34. Think that was the last one, we'll see!
Nope, yesterday's wasn't the last one, caught three more when I did the water change today. Total now: 37.

Surely, surely there can't be any more!
Saw another fry today in the parent tank :lol: Couldn't catch it though. I don't know where they're all coming from! :rofl:

They've been hiding in the l.sessiliflora by the looks of it.

Couple of pics of the fry in the grow out tank

Looks as though a bunch of them will be yellow, but some are a dark grey, so will in interesting to see what these parents produce!
Got a photo that shows the parents, one of the yellow guppy fry from their first batch (only two survivors from that batch, she had quite a large batch for only her second batch!) and one of the blue platy youngsters. Will have to decide which of the blue platies I'm going to keep soon, they're getting pretty big and are probably large enough to go to the store now.


And another couple:
So it's mix of yellow & blue?
Do you mean the tank or the fry?

Yes, tank has a mix of yellow and blue :)
Fry should be yellow since mum and dad are yellow, but you never know. They won't have bred with the blue fish though since those are platies. :)
Do you mean the tank or the fry?

Yes, tank has a mix of yellow and blue :)
Fry should be yellow since mum and dad are yellow, but you never know. They won't have bred with the blue fish though since those are platies. :)
I meant fry :rofl: sorry I just assumed all guppies without a proper look! Haha. The yellow is lovely. I find guppies tempting but also tried of fry - every 4 weeks I get more from 1 fish!!

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