africans in a 10 gallon

Uh, Im new here but im in heaven just thinking about all those tanks!! Oh, wanna get married?!?! Cause with all those tanks not only do you have all the fish I could ever want, but you gotta be rich!!! :blink: :rofl:


My Shell Page
500 gallon salt:
70 clown fish (i like that fish)

I find that hard to believe :eek: Clowns don't like being in groups, you can only really keep them in pairs.

Surely if you had those tanks, you would live in a huge house and have loads of money, so therefore you would have a decent camera and have loads of pics :p
Clearly this person is a hoax and probably has none or very little of the tanks and fish listed in there sig. Everyone should stop responding to this fake posting.

Damn I just responded myself!! :doh:

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