africans in a 10 gallon

All your tanks sound awsome

I hope I can help here a bit though.
The only Africans you could keep in a 10 g permanently are shelldwellers, like Lamprologus ocellatus
Mbuna could stay in the tank for a couple months but i wouldn't recomend it. Reasion being is that they are very agrisive and at three inches I had to move my four mbuna out of their tank into a larger tank. three inches is about six months growth if you buy really tiny ones. Once you put the fish into your 55 your still gonna have to buy either four or eight more cichlids, or four and some syno's maybe too. Your gonna want these ones your buying to be about the same size so the will cost more and it is substantially easier to buy all the fish at the same time.
Of course there are still other africans
but to plainly answer your initiall question if you inquireing into mbuna, 5 mbuna could fit in a 10 g with agresion problems for max of six months
For some great mbuna info there is a pinned article above
heresmike said:
Lou, this is a bit off topic, but do you have pictures of your tanks? I'm intrigued!
no i dont have any pictures of my tank there all gone
hi off topic again, but kinda on topic as ppl are talking about your sig :)
in your 15gal, you have 2 tinfoil barbs, do you know how big they get! :blink:
Compressiceps said:
hi off topic again, but kinda on topic as ppl are talking about your sig :)
in your 15gal, you have 2 tinfoil barbs, do you know how big they get! :blink:
Maybe there young at the minute, he does have loads of bigger tanks he can put them in...?
800 gallon:
11 oscars
7 jaguar cichlids
4 large pleco

500 gallon salt:
70 clown fish (i like that fish)

350 gallon (planted)
school of neon tetras
30 tiger barbs
1 chinese pleco

200 gallon:
9 red belly piranha
1 tiger oscar
1 large catfish

135 gallon:
10 red devils
4 clown loaches

125 gallon:
40 rams
2 glass catfish

100 Gallon:
1 black piranha

55 gallon:
2 convicts
2 jack dempsy
1 fire mouth

29 gallon:
1 gold piranha

30 gallon:
5 tigerbarbs
7 rosey barbs

15 gallon:
2 tinfoil barbs

10 gallon:
1 male fancy guppy
2 female fancy guppies

5 gallon:
5 feeder fish every week

2.5 gallon:
1 male betta
vantgE said:
The only Africans you could keep in a 10 g permanently are shelldwellers, like Lamprologus ocellatus
Mbuna could stay in the tank for a couple months but i wouldn't recomend it. Reasion being is that they are very agrisive and at three inches I had to move my four mbuna out of their tank into a larger tank. three inches is about six months growth if you buy really tiny ones. Once you put the fish into your 55 your still gonna have to buy either four or eight more cichlids, or four and some syno's maybe too. Your gonna want these ones your buying to be about the same size so the will cost more and it is substantially easier to buy all the fish at the same time.
Of course there are still other africans
but to plainly answer your initiall question if you inquireing into mbuna, 5 mbuna could fit in a 10 g with agresion problems for max of six months
For some great mbuna info there is a pinned article above
this is the correct answer.....get some shell dwellers....ocelettus golds are perfect....u could only keep a single breeding pair of these in there what most people say. either buy a breeding pair online, or buy 6 juvi's from somewhere and see if they will buy back the remaining 4 after you have a breeding pair.

i have 6 baby golds in my 10 gallon right now and i'm getting ready to move them all to a 30 gallon because even when the fish are this small (under an inch) there is already agression towards the shells and their territory...

In a 10g, N Multies would work better, as Ocellatus is known to be quite territorial and aggressive.

As soon as I dump the fries of my platies to LFS (for credit!), I will be setting up either N Multi or N Ocellatus in that 15g tank... Can't wait... ;)
I had 1 african in a 10gal for about a month. I just bumped him up to a 20gal last week. He's only 3'' long at the most. He was 1.5'' when I got him a month ago. He's growing like a weed. I can't fiqure out why he is growing so much faster then my other africans that are in a 30gal?
Africans are fast growers, not as fast as oscars (which I can see you have alot of experience with). 10 gallons is, I hate to say, a little too small for any Africans (most definitely) but Malawians and Lake Tangs. like around 7.6 to 8.2 pH. There are water conditioners which stabilize the water at levels comprable to their natural environments, but you could also go with a crushed coral substrain. The crushed coral looks cool and keeps the pH and harshness at high levels. Good luck with them and nice tank collection!
i recomend changing some of your tanks around. then getting africans. did you know that arrowans need a bigger tank than you have them in?
I have 2 african ciclids in my 10 gallon and they are doing great. 2 is pretty much the max i think for a crazy man :D
I'm beginning to think that this person does not own any of the tanks in his signature except for maybe the small ones. Whether s/he misunderstood the point of peoples signatures as a place to put dream tanks or real tanks I don't know. For the amount of money he would have to spend on all of those tanks and fish, I'm going to guess he would at least know how to spell them properly, or know what kh and Gh are. He also wouldn't be able to switch his tanks around so quickly, and buy that many in such a short amount of time (I think...). Also at the top of page 2 I thought he said his tanks were all gone...

I'm sorry if that is all wrong, but thats what it looks like right now. :/

As for the Africans, I would try to learn a lot more about proper fish keeping than you seem to exhibit, and maybe start with some easier fish to take care of.
Im sorry to say but i REALLY dont beleive u have all those tanks...if you have a 810 why bother with a 10! you must have alot of $$$$ stop being cheap and buy a bigger tanks and ur arrowanas are in a way to small tank if they are at all... Prive me wrong with some pics....I just dont understand why people start lieing on there sigs im dont think any higher of someone even if they have a 810 gallon tank or a 5 gallon tank.. So why bother? :/
u have all those huge tanks and u are asking US how many africans u can put in a 10G, NONE!!

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