African Gray Knife Fish?


Oct 8, 2009
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I was about to get this fish that I thought was an African brown knife fish, but warned by the employee that the fish was an African gray knife and it grows 2 ft long. Is this true? Ive been looking for info on African Gray knife fish, but cant find any. Is there really an African Gray knife fish species? Cuz the fish really looked like an African brown knife to me and I wanted to get it cuz I heard african knives doesnt get over a foot. Please confirm Thnx
Although they're only rarely traded, Papyrocranus species do turn up in the aquarium trade. These are bigger and grumpier than Xenomystus, and should be housed accordingly, either alone or with large, robust tankmates such as big loricariids. Xenomystus nigri is easily distinguished from them (and indeed all the other notopterid knifefishes) by the fact it lacks a dorsal fin.

Cheers, Neale
Thnx Nmonks, I looked up Papyrocranus but it didnt look like the one in the LFS. The featherfin Knife fish looked close to it tho. It looks very similar to the picture below just maybe a bit lighter in color. I think the employee is just misinformed. Thnx for telling me about the no Dorsal fin feature of the Xenomystus nigri. I'll look for it when I go back. and i hope its still there cuz there was only two 5" knife fish left.


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