African Dwarf frogs


Fish Addict
May 15, 2005
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Hey, I got some today to go with my bettas. I've watched them for a while and there is no nipping goin on!

My question is what can/will they eat? I have freeze dried bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, tropical and goldfish flakes, and betta pellets (hikari bio-gold and just food).

What of these can they eat, if any... If they cant eat any of these, what should I buy?
I fed mine crushed shrimp pellets.They ate it but im not sure it was the food I was supposed to feed them.
Now i have a problem with one...

You know how they normally all sit on the bottom and do nothing? Well one has a swim bladder problem (i guess they have a swim bladder...) What should I do to treat... Also the betta he's with has a torn up tail, is there a way to treat both problems?

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