African Clawed Frog Died Please Advise

bassline babe

New Member
Dec 6, 2006
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Hi there,

Im feeling sad today my beloved clawed frog kermit died 2 nights ago. I am not sure why tho, his tummy was all bloated up and he keept floating to the top of the tank. I thought it was bloating desease but it looked different, it was just in his tummy area.. I removed him from my other frogs and placed him in a tank on his own, with some intrapet anti internal bacteria, i did this for a few days but it got no better, just got worse. I asked a guy in my local aquatic shop who keeps frogs and he said to turn the temp up i did this, and 2 hours later he died :unsure: im proper gutted!! i love my frogs. the rest are all ok and kermit has never had any problems before. i will post a pic that i have. Does any one know what this could be? also could i of killed him by turning the temp up, i would feel terrible if i have because i was trying to help him :-( .. any thoughts would be good. The nitrate,nitrite and ammonia are all fine, i did add 2 albino clawed frogs 2 weeks ago tho. Kermit was under a year old :sad: He does live with some other fish, ie parrot fish, catfish etc. and i have heared of frogs eating gravel by mistake, there is gravel in the tank but this has never happened before :/ I have treated all my tanks with the intrapet anit internall bacteria just in case....



Many thanks

Emily :rolleyes:
Sorry bless him so cute he massive. R.I.P.
He told you to turn temp up as it helps to pass things.
Do you feed alot of protein food like bloodworms and flakes.

This site might help on info.
Yes he got fed everything from prawn,bloodworm,beefheart,fine mussel and cockals (all frozen) and retomin sticks,flake food etc.. I used to feed somthing different each day, He does look huge in that pic but i think that may be swelling. i dont have a pic of him, but i have a video clip, will try and get it uploaded.
Do frogs eat veg as shelled peas would be good
It could be that.. but he was hiding a lot and not eating, and he couldent stay under water as he floated at the top, but was still alive.. He looked awful, it was terrible poor little guy :-( i have heared somthing about shelled peas for clawed frogs but i have never gave them peas. I wasent sure if they would eat veg.. do you think it could of been his diet?
aw, sorry about that. she is so cute!

i'm not very good with frogs. well, i am with normal frogs kinda but not with frogs like that. i was thinking of getting one pet fish, because pretty much everything i have right now is to breed. i was thinking of a shark, angelfish, upsidedown type pleco thing, but now i am thinking about a dwarf frog. i didn't think they got that big.
I would try some shelled peas, there good for fish as there a laxative and keeps them going to the toilet.
that is a african clawed frog much bigger then the dwarf , the aquatic shop sold him to me telling me it was a dwarf. they are naughty like that lol.. They are good fun to watch tho :good:

i will try feeding peas to see if that prevent this from happening again. thanks :D

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