African Butterfly Fish

But wont it be aggressive to it? And would you think a cherry barb can fit in its mouth?
I have had Golden Wonder Killis and ABF together without any Probs.
Anything thats an inch sush as cherry barbs will fit in their mouth?
cherry barbs are less likely to be eaten. The ABF will sat at the top and the barbs are mainly mid-bottom dwellers. They shouldn't have a problem.
are we sure????? my smallest cherry barbs somtime comes 3-4 inches below the surface. is that a little too close??? and will the ABF chase any small fish if it sees them, or lies in wait for them to come up close? Also, will the ABF eat platies?? because all my platies come to top for feeding time.
i believe that abf's are nocturnal hunters, mine have ate all my 1" long cardinal tetras, you should be fine with keeping your cherry barbs with and abf, but always remember your cherries could become a snack for the abf at any time becuase they eat mostly live food, some times its hard to get them to eat frozen or flake for a but of time but they will soon adjust
Ok, so an abf wont attack a golden killifish, but would it attack a male betta? because 50% of the time my betta is at top of tank.
I bought one. Here is the story. So i went to my lfs and they had two left and the decision was crazy. The ywere both 4 inches i would say. One was much fatter and larger. He had BEAUTIFUL black markings on him. His tail and chest fins were outlined in black so you really noticed his fins and exoticness. The other was skinnier and smaller. Not much color, just a plain solid color that was very light colored and u he is definanetly not as vibrant and nice as teh big one. He seemed like a regular fish. BUT the small was swimming around being more active then the big one because the big one would just sit in the corner. During feeding they both ate crickets. S o i had a HUGE decision. Should i choose the big one or smaller one.

Big one
Pros-Extremely beautiful. Nicest butterfly i have ever seen.
Cons-He just sat in the corner and looked grumpy. He also was fat and had a HUGE mouth that could probably eat my cherry barbs if they ever came to surface.

Small one
Pros-Very active. Skinny and had small mouth so he wouldnt have a chance at eating the cherry barbs (except for the baby) if they came up. Had lots of personality and looks funny when hes eating a large cricket.

I usually love color and design more than anything. But i have learned my lesson with that from my 6 inch dojo. He had unbelievable colors but he never comes out and is extremely skittish.

I chose the small one. :good:

PICTURE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Wow. Decisions, :thumbs: He was probably itimidated by the other one. Maybe he'll color up when he's more comfortable.
Apparently your right randall. He now has some black patches on him!!!
I had a Glad he's starting to color up. Looks like you made the right decision after all.
This is his true color. He has a half centimeter wide horrizontal black stripe that goes from his tail to his eyes. Below the stripe he is whitish, silverish with a whole bunch of black patches. Above the stripe he is brown. He also has a vertical black stripe at his forehead that crosses his eyes and mouth. Can someone send me images of teh difference between male and female, because im not sure how curved the anal fin should be to be female.
My ABF wont eat regular food, only crickets. Is it ok if i make crickets his staple diet since thats what they mainly eat?

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