i'd say go for the african bush fish rather than the gangetic leaf fish. i have one of each in a 55g tank living happily with a bichir might i add, its polypterus delhezi though not senegalus, as i find the senegal a bit bland and boring! each to their own. as said the leaf fish is difficult to feed, due to other fish in the tank everything from whole lance fish to shrimp and cockles to bloodworm goes in. the lea fish won't touch anything but the bloodworm. this may sound ok but the fish really needs more 'meat' ie feeder fish. my nandus seems happy in its self, all be it a lil slow growing and not as chunky as it should be, due to its diet. i like the fish, extremely good looking fish, but if i had known all this about the fish before i got it, i would of left it in the store. the bush fish on the other hand has grown a lot, from2.5 inch to a good 4 - 4.5 inch in 4 1/2 months. eats from my hand, cockles, lance fish, prawn and shrimp, doesn't care much for small foods like bloodworm etc but if your willing to keep stocked up on frozen fish and shrimp then they are brilliant ish and become hand tame remarkably quick, it does have a bit of a grudge with one o the geophagus brasiliensis cichlids and they fight now and again but you won't be keeping anything like that so would be great. i would (as i have done) get one of the more colourful bichirs, like the delhezi, they are a stunning fish, always out, doesn't bother a thing, eats cockles, lance fish, shrimp and prawn, not fussy only gets to 12-13" (35cm).
there are other fish from the area you are designing your tank on like african butterfly fish and the mentioned mormyrid family, all of which i would stay away from if your seeking a relatively problem free aquarium