Afrian Arowana


Fish Addict
Jun 22, 2011
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Does any body own one of these raritys
They aren't much traded. They're more or less grey in colour so aren't as popular with the kinds of people who keep arowanas. They're also more difficult to feed; in the wild they feed primarily on zooplankton (like daphnia) and to a lesser extent on tiny invertebrates sifted from the mud (like worms). While they *may* adapt to pellets in captivity, it can be challenging weaning juveniles onto such replacements, and given their size and appetite, they need a lot of food to do well. In this sense they are a LOT like pink gouramis -- it isn't a problem so much a problem finding the right foods for them, it's more difficult finding *enough* food for them in the long term.

In any event, here in England I have seen them sold very occasionally at stores like Wildwoods. They're relatively inexpensive, but as with any "tankbuster", the cost of the fish is trivial compared to its upkeep, which will be very expensive to do properly.

Cheers, Neale
never seen one before but I love that one in the vid. thanks for sharing
Thats interesting that they feed on zooplankton. their bizzare looking fish.the guy who keeps this fish look like they have the feeding sorted out.

Could you assume if you have a massive tank you could create a interesting biotope assuming they dont eat smaller fish as the eat zooplankton?
They are absolutely fine with non-aggressive fish that aren't bite sized. Things like tinfoil barbs, oscars, sleeper gobies, etc would all work nicely.

Cheers, Neale

Could you assume if you have a massive tank you could create a interesting biotope assuming they dont eat smaller fish as the eat zooplankton?
i had one before with 9 x asian arowana they are aggressive and it beat them all up

you can get them but prices are very diffrent all over the place i have seen 5inch ones for £110 at wildwoods and £20 on AC

no the bit you need to know before buying

they are very cool like a mini arapima gigas
they grow to 3ft
when small below 10inch they are filter feeders and food passes throw them fast below 10inch and they need to be fed 3-4 x per day on small foods like daf and mysis ones passed 10inch they take larger foods pellets prawn

they are very very hard to keep alive when small which is why the price goes up so high you can buy a box of 50 for £3 each but you maybe lucky to keep 10 alive from the 50

i could never work out if mine was agressive or it was just eating the small bits of food that come out of large fish gils when they chew but which ever it was other fish dont like the african aro going for the gils

they also grow very fast

this is mine



This is a fascinating species. Would it be correct to assume that as a large filter feeder it would need regular feeding as it would spend a large part of its time filter feeding in the wild. Also I am assuming that it would have implications for the filters ability to handle it and would need to be factored in housing this species.

They are only filter feeders for a few months as I said they only filter feed daf blood worm and small foods for a short time

They can grow as fast as 2inch per month so won't stay below 12inch for long

At 12inch they will take larger food and only need feeding once per day

Try feeding one below 12inch less than 3 x per day and you will see it waste away and fast

They are one of the hardest fish to keep alive when small and for best results use a sponge filter so they can graze

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