Advice Pleeeease...


Fish Herder
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
west lothian, scotland
ok, so my black vt and melano pk have been together for a few days now and things have gone odd to realy odd. the female , although still plump and barred up, is all but ignoring the nest. she only seem to approach the nest when the male is not there and beats a hastey retreat when he does come back. he still eagerly displays to her but she spend all the time at the opposite side of the tank from him. also.. i seen her dump a load of eggs. i had this happen with another pair but although she dumped a big amount of eggs i think they were "over ripe" as they were large and yellowish. this time the eggs are small and white.. anyone any idea whats going on? she eppears to be eating the eggs after she dumps them. should i split the pair up and recondidtion them for another atempt at a different time?
ok, so my black vt and melano pk have been together for a few days now and things have gone odd to realy odd. the female , although still plump and barred up, is all but ignoring the nest. she only seem to approach the nest when the male is not there and beats a hastey retreat when he does come back. he still eagerly displays to her but she spend all the time at the opposite side of the tank from him. also.. i seen her dump a load of eggs. i had this happen with another pair but although she dumped a big amount of eggs i think they were "over ripe" as they were large and yellowish. this time the eggs are small and white.. anyone any idea whats going on? she eppears to be eating the eggs after she dumps them. should i split the pair up and recondidtion them for another atempt at a different time?
i would seperate them, leave them for a couple of weeks, then again add her to the males tanks, obviously where he cant get to her, with a large breeder net or jar whatever method you are using, sounds like you have introduced her at the wrong time, if you start conditioning when she gets to the males tank and condition them both together the timing should be good for both of them to spawn, it sounds like she wasnt feeling too comfortable enough with him to approach the nest whilst he was there, some females drop their eggs if they feel that they arent going to be used and some just absorb back into the body.
the last female i had dump eggs i left on her side of the devider until she stopped dropping them, and she seemed still quite plump, and then when put back with the male the next day, they spawned almost instantly.

well i split them up, recondition and see what happens.

cheers daz :good:
the last female i had dump eggs i left on her side of the devider until she stopped dropping them, and she seemed still quite plump, and then when put back with the male the next day, they spawned almost instantly.

well i split them up, recondition and see what happens.

cheers daz :good:
your welcome, what youve gotta remember though is all answers come from experience and experience also proves that all betta are different when it comes to spawning, theres a basic way of doing it but its not set in stone every time, you'll get used to your betta characters eventually when it comes to spawning, thats how i got around problems with matching pairs up, it took me months of observations and many failures to get it right in the end. and even now some of my spawns fail due to one reason or another

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