I know, I know… Not another stocking question!
But, I couldn’t help it…. I have put so much effort into setting up my tank and getting it cycled, and making sure that I am doing everything right, that I want to make sure I am also stocking my tank properly (BEFORE I add any fish!). I have prior experience, having had aquariums in the past, but there are so many members on here with FAR more experience then myself, and I would like to draw upon that collective knowledge.
I have learned so much from this Forum over the past month, so my original stocking list has changed quite a bit (having learned a lot about some fish species that I had never kept before). Example: my original stocking list had Hillstream Loaches on it, but after learning about their Temperature and Flow requirements, they have been crossed off my list.
Anyway, I believe that the species I have listed below are all compatible with my water parameters, my tank size and each other…. but I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t missing something that someone else might notice in my list.
Also, I really need advice on stocking numbers… Are the numbers I am planning on stocking (#’s in parentheses after each fish species) too high, too low, just right? I want to make sure I have the right amount of each species, but at the same time that I am not overstocking the tank. I have never had a tank this large, so I am honestly not sure what numbers are appropriate.
I also hoped to get some advice/opinions on a few species that I am a little torn between.
Tank Size: 55 Gal (48 X 13 X 21 inch)
Substrate: Sand
Hardscape: Lots of Driftwood and some Rocks
Plants: None yet, but I plan on adding lots of Live Plants as soon as the tank is fully cycled
GH = 143 ppm
pH = 7.4
dKH = 5
Here are my plans for stocking the Tank:
Top Dwellers:
Brown, Diptail, or Hockeystick Pencil Fish (Nannostomus eques) (6-8)
Silver or Marble Hatchetfish (Gasteropelecus levis) (6-8)
Which species would be best? Opinions?
Shoaling/Schooling Fish:
Rummy nose Tetras (or Firehead Tetra) (Hemigrammus bleheri) (15-20)
Harlequin Rasboras (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) (12-15)
Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)….. OR…. Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) (12-15).
Which would be better, Neons or Cardinals? Opinions? I hear mixed things about both species, so I am just not sure which to go with.
Other Fish:
Apistogramma (Suggestions for species please?! J) (Pair or Single? Or a group?)
….. OR.…
Bolivian Rams (Pair or Single? Or a group?)
Which species would be best? Opinions? Or another suggestion altogether? I know that both of these species are bottom dwellers, so I am wondering if they will be okay with Cories?
Bottom Dwellers:
Corydoras Catfish (Corydoras julii/trilineatus, or Corydoras sterbai, or other?) (10-15 of the species I decide on)
Algae Eaters:
Otocinclus (8-12)
Which species should I stock first? Which would be the best to start off with? I know that Otocinclus should be added much later in the game when the tank is more mature and there is some algae in the tank. But other than that, which fish should I add first, or last?
But, I couldn’t help it…. I have put so much effort into setting up my tank and getting it cycled, and making sure that I am doing everything right, that I want to make sure I am also stocking my tank properly (BEFORE I add any fish!). I have prior experience, having had aquariums in the past, but there are so many members on here with FAR more experience then myself, and I would like to draw upon that collective knowledge.
I have learned so much from this Forum over the past month, so my original stocking list has changed quite a bit (having learned a lot about some fish species that I had never kept before). Example: my original stocking list had Hillstream Loaches on it, but after learning about their Temperature and Flow requirements, they have been crossed off my list.
Anyway, I believe that the species I have listed below are all compatible with my water parameters, my tank size and each other…. but I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t missing something that someone else might notice in my list.
Also, I really need advice on stocking numbers… Are the numbers I am planning on stocking (#’s in parentheses after each fish species) too high, too low, just right? I want to make sure I have the right amount of each species, but at the same time that I am not overstocking the tank. I have never had a tank this large, so I am honestly not sure what numbers are appropriate.
I also hoped to get some advice/opinions on a few species that I am a little torn between.
Tank Size: 55 Gal (48 X 13 X 21 inch)
Substrate: Sand
Hardscape: Lots of Driftwood and some Rocks
Plants: None yet, but I plan on adding lots of Live Plants as soon as the tank is fully cycled
GH = 143 ppm
pH = 7.4
dKH = 5
Here are my plans for stocking the Tank:
Top Dwellers:
Brown, Diptail, or Hockeystick Pencil Fish (Nannostomus eques) (6-8)
Silver or Marble Hatchetfish (Gasteropelecus levis) (6-8)
Which species would be best? Opinions?
Shoaling/Schooling Fish:
Rummy nose Tetras (or Firehead Tetra) (Hemigrammus bleheri) (15-20)
Harlequin Rasboras (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) (12-15)
Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)….. OR…. Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) (12-15).
Which would be better, Neons or Cardinals? Opinions? I hear mixed things about both species, so I am just not sure which to go with.
Other Fish:
Apistogramma (Suggestions for species please?! J) (Pair or Single? Or a group?)
….. OR.…
Bolivian Rams (Pair or Single? Or a group?)
Which species would be best? Opinions? Or another suggestion altogether? I know that both of these species are bottom dwellers, so I am wondering if they will be okay with Cories?
Bottom Dwellers:
Corydoras Catfish (Corydoras julii/trilineatus, or Corydoras sterbai, or other?) (10-15 of the species I decide on)
Algae Eaters:
Otocinclus (8-12)
Which species should I stock first? Which would be the best to start off with? I know that Otocinclus should be added much later in the game when the tank is more mature and there is some algae in the tank. But other than that, which fish should I add first, or last?