Advice Please - Serious Algae Problems!


New Member
Jul 24, 2006
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Ok firstly pics





I have had this outbreak of hair and cyano algae for around 4 weeks now, and just isnt easing back - i dont know if i'm being impatient.

Some tank Stats.

Firstly the tank has been set up 4 months ( I know early days)
8 gallon with 5Kg LR (cured)
maxijet 600 for water movement
Over head trickle filter with LR ruble and Ultiphos
35W t5 PC lighting

perc clown, watchman goby, cleaner shrimp, 3 turbo snails, 2 scarlet hermit crabs

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0/trace
NO4 0

All salifert test kits

Tank temp is 79/80 F, SG 1.024

I need advice on how to get rid of the algae, is it a case of waiting it out, will it go away itself?

Any advice much appreciated, its shocking looking!

I use a product called Rowaphos and it seems to work wounders on the hair algae.
Yeh Rowaphos is good for hair algae
it is still early stages. I found that when i fed brine my algea grew just the same. No Nitrate or Phosphates it just grew, i didnt understand. I just feed Pellets and i have no algea like that anymore.
When an algae bloom takes hold, you will not see nitrates or phosphates as the algae is gobbling them up as soon as they become available in the water column...
I use RO water (not sure of the TDS, from LFS - i'll need to try and find out incase its poor) , i use coral pro reef salt.

I change 5 litres weekly (35 litre tank)

As i said i use Ultiphos (instead of rowa phos). I change this approx every 4 weeks. Not too sure how often to change it.

Thanks for the input so far - so whats the way forward - wait it out, will it go away by itself over time?

Well sounds like you're doing everything right except not knowing the TDS of your input water... I'd figure that out first.

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