Advice On Planted Tank

39W t5s are about 85cm, doh. The 24W t5s are 55cm. So, the 24W might be better. To power the 24W t5 bulb, have a look for a "24W HAGEN GLO T5 HO light starter". If you want to use 2x24w then you can get a dual light starter.
Which grobeam? The tile or the 500 light strip? The tiles are apparently the equivilent of a metal halide. The lighting strips are like a t5 bulb. I don't know the details though, can anyone else chip in?

Also, wouldnt the 48 watts be too much light or would I get away with it with no co2? The tank is about 45 US gallons.
39W t5s are about 85cm, doh. The 24W t5s are 55cm. So, the 24W might be better. To power the 24W t5 bulb, have a look for a "24W HAGEN GLO T5 HO light starter". If you want to use 2x24w then you can get a dual light starter.
Which grobeam? The tile or the 500 light strip? The tiles are apparently the equivilent of a metal halide. The lighting strips are like a t5 bulb. I don't know the details though, can anyone else chip in?

Also, wouldnt the 48 watts be too much light or would I get away with it with no co2? The tank is about 45 US gallons.

I don't think you'd get away with it. If you had the 48W you'd have to have lots of floating plants and probably dose liquid carbon.
24W is more managable and the plants very slow growing.
So a single 24w t5 would be adequate then? If thats the case thats what ill go for. I am planning to does liquid carbon anyway.

cheers m8, youve been a great help. Now Ive just got to find a ballast and bulb that go together, thats the problem now.

Im thinking the single 24w or maybe 2x 15w, just because to fit the 24w bulb in I would have to put it at a diagonal angel. Can you reccomend me a ballast/starter. I dont know why im getting so confused but I really am

I was looking at the compact t5, but as you say, ballasts are hard to come by. I have found a 24w one on ebay, but dont know if that'll be up to the job?

Speaking of the compacts, im currently selling the 55w compact ballast ive got, but feel it would be too much without the co2 for this tank. At the mo im thinking this would be the best-

Sorry for the continuing questions on the lighting bud, just got myself in a pickle, thanks again! :good:
You wont find a compact T5 ballast anymore, not unless it's second hand anyway, they were discontinued regarding safety concerns.
You wont find a compact T5 ballast anymore, not unless it's second hand anyway, they were discontinued regarding safety concerns.

Yeah i know, but some places do still have old stock. You do come by the old one now and then, but as you said, if I go down that route, it'll probably be second hand.
You can use 2x15W T8 bulbs with the "Arcadia Ultra Seal Fluorescent Double Light Control Units" from here. (6th light controller from the bottom of the page)

At the mo im thinking this would be the best-

Yep, that's the same as the one in the link I posted. Can't go wrong with it.
Me again, im going to have a few questions in the coming weeks, but rather than starting a new thread with each ill just throw them on this one. So, if anyone can help me out as they come, then cheers :lol:

Im decided im going to go for a dark sand substrate, preferbly black. How much would I need in my size tank, in kg? (nearly 2ft cube)? And how deep should it be? Cheers
40kg should do it. Just slope it from front to back. Larger depth at the back creates field of depth.
I've used the tahitian black moon sand. I reccomend it.
ok thanks, but from that, what im gonna need like 4 bags (unless im being silly) and that seems an awful lot of sand and money, any other suggestions :sad:

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