Advice on new tank please

Like to know how much ammonia there is in jayes as i've never used it, but some fishkeepers recommend it for cycling tank.
I yes about that original question - just de-chlorinated water - ALWAYS DE-CHLORINATED water...
Wilder said:
Like to know how much ammonia there is in jayes as i've never used it, but some fishkeepers recommend it for cycling tank.
I never managed to find any :(
but from what i remember it was causing problems due to the fact that it was very weak (i think is was less than 4%) so doseing needed to be a lot higher than a pure ammonia product.

Jayes Kleen Off is the one we're on about here any others welcomed with open arms ;)
If you find another product in the UK let us know.
When I firsted started a tank I was given nuftrafin benefical becteria, but I didn't think that was up to much either.
Hi guys and gals, as you have seen i am currently doing a fishless cycle, my advise use Kent's dechlorinator (cant remember exact name) as this definately doesnt remove ammonia (which is what you want when doing a fishless cycle) as it says if you want a product that removes ammonia aswell you need a different Kent product, its available from Aquarium Superstore, i didnt get this, i used aquasafe, but in hindsight i should have used kent's one which i was going to use in the first place. Also i bought my ammonia from Homebase, which is 9.5% ammonia and the rest is water, so its not bad, and only £2.99 if i remember correctly.


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