Advice on my new tank

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New Member
Jun 11, 2020
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Hi im new to the fishkeeping world and the tropical fish forums forums:)
Over the past few weeks ive done a ton of research for the new tank im getting for my bday!
I have brought a 105 litre (68 cm length,35 cm depth and 51 cm height) rectangle tank.
After all the research and visits to my local pet store pets at home I would like to keep these fish.
a male betta (don't know what exact type because they are constantly selling and bringing in new bettas)
5-6 albino corydoras (I have read they do well with bettas)
10-12 harlequin rasboras (I have also read these do ok and I am happy to go down a few if you think there is too many but I read they like big groups!)
1-2 yellow rabit snails
1-2 Vampire shrimp or giant African shrimp (now this is the one I was most unsure on because shrimp do well with bettas however these filter feed and bettas like slow water however would a compromise work? also I am prepared to feed my shrimp extra if hes not filter feeding as should be)
I have worked out a feeding schedule for all so I have done a fair bit of research but it be nice to hear your guys opinion as you most likely know more than me !)
thanks for taking your time to read this!
Hi! Welcome to the forum.
I am also just a beginner so I can't really give you any "expert" advice, just the advice I have also been given.
As long as the male betta isn't aggressive, I think he will be fine with the rasboras and corydoras, I know you did some research, but in case he becomes aggressive you might need a tank divider.
I'm also getting albino corydoras/ albino ancistrus - I know they like living in groups but I would say do 4 or 5 instead of 5 or 6, and same with the rasboras - maybe 8 or 9.
The only reason why I am saying this is that I also wanted to get lots of fish for my tank, but I do not want to overstock it. :)
I think the shrimps and snails will be fine, as long as you check that they can live in the same temperature and similar(ish) currents, but I'm not an expert so.....

Also make sure your tank is cycled and has all the good bacteria, and the plants are planted (if you are doing a planted tank, which I recommend), and check the pH levels, nitrite, nitrate, GH, KH......
After this introduce your fish gradually, eg put in the rasboras one week, then wait one or two weeks, then introduce the corydoras. This will prevent the aquarium filter to become overworked/not able to manage it all.

However I'm still only a beginner, and I'm sure you have done a lot of research, so this is just some stuff that I know...
no I cant I have brought the tank already I have to stick with what I got.

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