Advice On Finding Nemo?

The answer Is a big no I am afraid, apart from many of the species being to big for a 55g tank most are not compatible.
The puffer for instance will eat the starfish (if it doesn't die of starvation) and the shrimp, the MI will likely starve and the damsel and clown fish will kill each other.

Lovely film with amazing art work but the so was lion king and I am pretty sure very few people keep pet lions.
Sorry to pee on your fire but that tank plan is a ticking timebomb.
:hi: to TFF and the salty side of the forum

A 55 gallon is a nice tank to start your salty adventure :good:

As already mentioned, the fish and star fish you mentioned are mostly not possible in a tank of this size, but there are a whole host of other things that are :good:

Do you fancy a reef, with some nice simple corals and some stunning and great fish? Well, we would be happy to help you plan and set-up

Seffie x
I agree with the advice.. Come to the salty side and we'll help you get as many or as close to as possible.

Please don't let the negativity put you off, finding Nemo is a great film and it would be great to have them all in a tank but it's not possible :(

Please don't be put off by any posts you have been offended by and please feel free to PM me if you want some info.

Hope you go salty!!

Lewis :)

And :hi:
I have a tank about the same size as yours and am sad that i can not keep all the fish i fall in love with.....but there are sooooo many wonderful fish that you can keep you will have trouble cutting them off your stock list in the end!
I have had my tank set up for about a year and would not havebeen able to get through it without the wonderful salties on here.
Really all you have to do is ask
I thought I had logged onto the wrong forum for a minute when I started reading this topic. I started to get a bit annoyed that flaming was being carried out on our Marine Chat. Very glad to see he was from some other less salty part of this forum.
If the OP wants to set up a marine tank I'm sure he will find the help here. Just wish we had got to the topic and handled it better.
I thought I had logged onto the wrong forum for a minute when I started reading this topic. I started to get a bit annoyed that flaming was being carried out on our Marine Chat. Very glad to see he was from some other less salty part of this forum.
If the OP wants to set up a marine tank I'm sure he will find the help here. Just wish we had got to the topic and handled it better.

Well said Happy G - i thought the same.
Whoever had to do the research on fish species for finding nemo should be shot! Lol

Bubble Walls, incompatible fish, gravel, plants (looked like a tropical tank with marine fish).......................and where was the skimmer? :lol:
To be fair, the only 'flaming' done was the 'salties' who 'strayed'. Why is it suddenly salties/others?

No one here said anything negative about the OP, in all fairness, its not like its the first time we have heard/seen this question (therefore a search would have worked). The big annoyence was the constant referance to 'Finding Nemo', nothing was intendend to offend the OP, or...on my part at least.

I did at least try an be helpful :p no offense meant. No more offensive than mentioning that film. That film offends me :huh:
To be fair, the only 'flaming' done was the 'salties' who 'strayed'. Why is it suddenly salties/others?

No one here said anything negative about the OP, in all fairness, its not like its the first time we have heard/seen this question (therefore a search would have worked). The big annoyence was the constant referance to 'Finding Nemo', nothing was intendend to offend the OP, or...on my part at least.

I did at least try an be helpful :p no offense meant. No more offensive than mentioning that film. That film offends me :huh:

Wasn't talking about you. your answer was just fine, it was more the guy who made the effort to then get on the topic and criticise the way others answered. Then a dumb discussion on how/if/whether Finding Nemo impacted on Reefs. As for salties on this forum, I'm not aware it's salty against others but I was previously very active in another part of this forum and it was full of obnoxious confrontational morons. What we have on the Marine side is a group of helpful friendly people who vary in knowledge levels but can, to a man (or woman) take a joke and more importantly make a joke without fear of someone getting upset or over reacting. This part of the forum is a rare oasis of calm amid a sea of internet hatred, ignorance and intolerance.
As it is I stand by my comment and offer no apology as if the question had initially been on the Marine and Reef chit chat it would not have been answered in the way it was and would certainly not have attracted the ensuing daft digging at each other. I think if you look at Seffies comment from 7.13pm you will find a pretty standard Marine response. I think we stand by the ethos of "If you can't say anything useful, nice or funny don't say anything at all" I don't think displaying frustration at someones question which although I agree could have been answered with a search could just have easily been answered more civilly by some and then ignored by people who had nothing valuable to say.

Edit - In fact looking again Fishy was the first real Salty on there I can see and he suggested the tank wouldn't work and invited the OP to post in the marine section for more detailed advice and assistance. His post was Civil, useful, concise and he's is a teenager so naturally predisposed to arrogance, ignorance and being stroppy. He managed a helpful post amongst all that nonsense without getting dragged into it. Well done Fishy :good:
Well said mate and this Is another thread that seems to of become a pee'ing match so I will say this and leave it as such.
Look at the posts made by the 'salties' then look at this written by the fresh water keepers.
I can easily spot the useful from the not.
Well said HG and SORG!

+1 to both of ya!

Freshie's suck!!!!!!!!! :lol:............................wait a minute!................I've got a trop tank! :sly:
I PM'd 'blindvizion' who clearly picked up on the negativity to reassure him, no post is stupid and we welcome any question he had. He seems fine, and hopefully he will post again soon in the marine section.

I completely agree with HG and Sorgan. I think it was very good of HG to stand up and look out for other members. :thanks:
I PM'd 'blindvizion' who clearly picked up on the negativity to reassure him, no post is stupid and we welcome any question he had. He seems fine, and hopefully he will post again soon in the marine section.

I completely agree with HG and Sorgan. I think it was very good of HG to stand up and look out for other members. :thanks:

I agree!

Although I have a trop tank aswell I no longer jump over to the fresh side for precisely this reason.

Too many negative responses and snottyness. I don't mean to offend any freshie on here as some are very nice helpful people who have given me good advice in the past but I won't post over there because of exactly the same as what has gone on above. One idiot to spoil what I felt was a perfectly reasonable question to begin with by questioning other peoples responses.

Reminds me of UR and other forums.

Hope TFF doesnt go down that route.
Indeed this is the best forum for all your fishy needs !!! Just so happens this bit rocks even more :)

Edit- to the OP, if you still want to keep a salty tank please do not hesitate to ask us anything, no question is stupid except the ones you do not ask, also feel free to join our buddy program so you can benifit from some 1 on 1 advice.
Oh by the way you won't be my friend untill you get some NPS ( this will be funnier to you in about a month)

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