Advice Needed On First Nano-Marine Setup!

Yeah I have been told to so a 20% water change every weekend to cope with the small environment of a pico tank.

So I pre salt the RO water, stick a lid on and then warm up my 20% every weekend. As I have never salted the water before and this is all new to me, how hard is it to make the water right? Do you add so many spoons of salt per litre or something?

Is this ok salt?
For your rock, you might get away with it if you stock light, ie no fish, just inverts and corals

Use digital kitchen scales -it will tell you what weight of salt will give you different salinity

The salt is fine, it's a tried and trusted brand. I use red sea coral pro myself. Bit it's horses for courses. Most use price as the over-riding factor.
You can buy salted RO water for around £5 per 25L and you could by a small 10L jerry can as well for plain RO.
Excellent, if I buy the already salted water do i just warm it up and add it?


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