Adoption Thread - Rescue Bettas- Price Reduced!

Yay Merlyn found a home :wub: I hope the rest of the guys and girls find homes. I really want to rescue this gorgeous little female who's white with lavender flecks on her fins from Petsmart.
*fingers crossed* I'm hoping my husband's check is big enough tomorrow that I can take two or three of the guys home!! :hey: I'm excited if I do get to!! I have only had two bettas at one hopefully the check will be good, and I can bring home some new boys! My daughter will be exstatic!!! :hyper:
Woot woot!!! *dances around the post* :hyper: thank God I caught my husband on a good day!!! I'm getting two new bettas!!! :D :wub:

Thanks SO much to BettaBum!!!!! :nod: :good:

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