Adoption Thread - Rescue Bettas- Price Reduced!

I know Merlyn will get a great home, so I just won't...besides, my mom probably won't let me get another betta, and if I did, I guess I could rescue another little guy. :wub:
:( Awww!!! I want one!!!! They are all VERY beautiful!!! :wub: If only I had some money. I have an empty tank here...and the fish at all the stores around here are VT and usually not very pretty colors. or the sameo sameo colors...most are red with dark purple or teal. No variation around here. I would love to have one of them. :( Now I"m sad cuz I got no money... :sad: :/ :-(
Agh my 2 faves are still up for adoption, and I know I want to, but $3 isnt enough left for a tank..and we're running out of room :rolleyes: I don't think my mom would object if we had more room :wub:
I don't think the price is at all unreasonable!!! I just don't even have two pennies to rub together let alone having $7... :sad: I really want one....I love Sherbert and Waffle. :wub: They are beautiful!!!

I'm gonna kick my husband's butt for crashing our car and making it so we have no extra money... :grr:
I almost bought a betta I've been wanting for literally months from this really shady local pet store. However, he would have cost $7 (he's a blue and white marble delta), and I couldn't justify supporting such an awful place to just get something I wanted. I'd much rather put my money towards a GOOD cause and adopt rescue a betta. The shipping price you are offering is spectacular; I can never find shipped bettas for under $20! I think even my little Pitaya ended up costing me a pretty penny once I paid for shipping (not that I mind; I love her to bits).
Anyways, it sounds like maybe you're having some placement trouble if you're lowering the price? If that is the case, just remember - I'm probably going to take one of your lucky boys or gals this May ^^ I LOVE the females you have and am very tempted, but I'll see who is available then so that I'm not preventing anyone from going to a good home.
I don't think the price is unreasonable at all, I think it's awesome... you can't get bettas that cheap even at a lps!! I'd take them all if I had the room, but I bring rescues home of my own and I just can't take on any more... until I get some good shelving!! (My dresser and a snack table thing is totally completely covered at the mo'.)
you know you want to.... :hey:

I LOVE the females you have and am very tempted, but I'll see who is available then so that I'm not preventing anyone from going to a good home.

I'm going to send the girls to lisie just to make some space. If you want them let me know and I'll hold them for you :D instead of sending them to her, shes just taking them as a favor, so let me know
BettaBum, how do you feel about fish adopted from you having to live in 2.5g? I'd love to help you place one of your boys or girls (preferably a girl if you have one by may since they tend to be smaller), but I have all of my 5g tanks filled. I have three 2.5g tanks, and I'm not sure I want to resort to using them, but if you are in need of placement it seems silly to just squander tank space.

I'm going to send the girls to lisie just to make some space. If you want them let me know and I'll hold them for you instead of sending them to her, shes just taking them as a favor, so let me know
If you need the space now, I wouldn't bother to make you hold them. I'm sure you'll have even more bettas by may :lol: I personally adore waffle, but I'm not sure I'd be comfortable keeping him in a small-ish tank given his size.

You know, I say that I'll keep whoever I adopt in the smaller tank if its ok with you... but I know me, and I have a funny feeling I'm just going to end up buying a bigger tank for my adoptee down the road. ::laughs::
My guys are all in 1 - 2 gallons and the girls are currently in a 10g with others. Its really the boys I need to move out not the girlies. So if you'd like them I'll hold them for you. I'm also going home this weekend so its off to walmart and petco I go. I could actually meet u this weekend with the girls if you wanted. Let me know :D :D
Edit: Whee! I asked my mom, and she said I can take the little ladies! This will work great. I think what I'm going to do is split the 10g so they each have 5 gallons, and put Pitaya in a new tank I've had my eye on for ages, and keep Buckeye where she is. Perfect! If you still have them available and will be around, please do PM me with when and where you'd like to meet!

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