Adoption Thread - Rescue Bettas- Price Reduced!


Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
EVERYONES BEEN ADOPTED!!!! More boys will be healthy and ready for adoption in 2 weeks or so, so keep checking back!

This is Jesse. He was sitting in a bowl (about the size of a betta cup) at my LFS for over a month, on display, where nobody could really even see him. The bowl was hanging in the midst of plants. Everytime I went in I hoped he had been sold, and everytime he saw me he did a little flare and a wiggle dance. I think he was telling me I was supposed to take him home. So I did :D

This is Waffle. I just got him, hes missing half of his tail but is in good spirits and health otherwise. He's ready to go!


This is Luna, a cute little girl rescued from a shelf of dead males from Wal*Mart. Shes super sweet and will be a great addition to any sorority tank.

This is Holly. She was so stressed when I got her that she was a light coppery yellow. Shes happy now and loves checking herself out in mirrors.

Tequilla. Hes such a cutie. Was "on display" a LFS, nobody realized he was actually for sale, was there for 2 months in tiny bowl just a tad bigger than the caups they keep them in.


Thank you for taking you time to look in here. If you have any question please don't hesitate to ask. :wub:
Looks like some nice fish, I'd be happy to take one but unfortunately this is a bad time for me.
Bettabum . . .
It's great that you're doing an adoption for all these guys.

I think it's going to be hard to get these guys a home. Fr just a $$$ standpoint - I could got out to the lfs/petsmart/petco find a rescue for $2.99+. It's not cost effective for me to pay $10.00 for yours.

It's more a cost point of view.

I do honestly hope you get these guys adopted out. And maybe try finding some ppl local in the area first.

Just some thoughts - didn't mean to be Debbie Downer. :look:
I adore Orion. If you can hold him till May when I deliver those 4 tanks to you, I'd love to adopt him. I've decided my split 10g will be my two females since they're not as stressed by seeing each other; this frees up two 5g tanks, and I think Orion would make a handsome inhabitant for one of them... Plus, since I'd be driving, there'd be no shipping involved, so he wouldn't have to go through that ^^
awww I'm sorry, hes actually on hold for someone already, I just didn't put it up yet :/ I'm really sorry :-( But that idea sounds fine if you like any of the others... Let me know :blush:
awww I'm sorry, hes actually on hold for someone already, I just didn't put it up yet :/ I'm really sorry :-( But that idea sounds fine if you like any of the others... Let me know :blush:

Heh, you and me seem to have bad luck with coordinating fish transfers with one another. I think I'll just wait and see who is available by May; I'm not too picky about who I adopt. I love pretty much all bettas.
I think it's going to be hard to get these guys a home. Fr just a $$$ standpoint - I could got out to the lfs/petsmart/petco find a rescue for $2.99+. It's not cost effective for me to pay $10.00 for yours.

It's more a cost point of view.

I do honestly hope you get these guys adopted out.

I know what your saying sukie, but (maybe its just me) if i see something i really like and want, id pay anything within reason...i think the fact that they were rescues helps though, it makes you feel that your making a difference. My newest betta isnt really a looker but i like the fact that i can make him feel better! :D
You can hold the little guys? Awwww! I want another betta so so sooo much I'm so Addicted! :D Do you think you could hold Merlyn till May until I can get another tank? :drool:
I think it's going to be hard to get these guys a home. Fr just a $$$ standpoint - I could got out to the lfs/petsmart/petco find a rescue for $2.99+. It's not cost effective for me to pay $10.00 for yours.

It's more a cost point of view.

I do honestly hope you get these guys adopted out.

I know what your saying sukie, but (maybe its just me) if i see something i really like and want, id pay anything within reason...i think the fact that they were rescues helps though, it makes you feel that your making a difference. My newest betta isnt really a looker but i like the fact that i can make him feel better! :D

Yeh I don't mean to be a debbie downer on the subject and I hope bettabum will get those guys a good home.

I'm just an cost kind of gal. . . plus there's always betta out there for researching ya know. :wub: So get a couple bucks and head to the lfs - you're bound to find one.
Ok everyone who's interested in a fish PM me, so I can sort through who wants who, because I'm getting tons of requests on other forums as well so I need to figure out who asked for who first, so If you could IM me with the fish you requested and the date of the request I'll sort everything out.
I think it's going to be hard to get these guys a home. Fr just a $$$ standpoint - I could got out to the lfs/petsmart/petco find a rescue for $2.99+. It's not cost effective for me to pay $10.00 for yours.

It's more a cost point of view.

I do honestly hope you get these guys adopted out.

I know what your saying sukie, but (maybe its just me) if i see something i really like and want, id pay anything within reason...i think the fact that they were rescues helps though, it makes you feel that your making a difference. My newest betta isnt really a looker but i like the fact that i can make him feel better! :D

Yeh I don't mean to be a debbie downer on the subject and I hope bettabum will get those guys a good home.

I'm just an cost kind of gal. . . plus there's always betta out there for researching ya know. :wub: So get a couple bucks and head to the lfs - you're bound to find one.

A 'new' betta where I'm at, standard VT, starts at $9 at the moment. Not everyone has access to the $2.99 bettas (good thing! :S I'd own like, eleven-ty of them)

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