Adoption Silver (Bala) Sharks


New Member
Apr 8, 2011
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These are four elegant and healthy silver sharks for adoption. They have no split fins and they're a healthy shimmery silver colour with striking black fins. Their colours darken to a metal silver as they become happier and more comfortable in their environment.

These sharks glide through the water which makes them amazingly peaceful to watch. They're playful and friendly, likely to shoal with any other fish which are of a similar size. They absolutely love they're fresh food, particularly cucumber and king prawn but will gladly devour flake food and have a nibble at the pleco pellets if given the chance.

The link below gives an accurate profile of their requirements and the second link provides a forum of people with silver sharks and their experiences of different temperaments and compatibility; although I have given an honest account of these sharks characteristics.

These fish are sensitive to water conditions and require space. If the tank is too small they tend to get spooked easily and if the water conditions get too bad they will jump out!
They're suitable for anyone who is seriously looking for large fish. Unfortunately we were told they only grow to 20cm when in fact they grow to 35cm. One has happily grown to about 13-15cm, two are at about 10cm and one is around 5cm. They like to be in groups of four minimum and will die if separated.We had them in groups of two but they are happier as a four. Do not adopt them with intent to sell them off separately!!!!! I would love for them to be adopted by an experienced fish keeper who will love and nurture them to their full size. Be warned, a 906L tank is recommended for 5 fully grown adults.

They are for pick up only, from Wembley. If you are interested please contact me by email

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