Adopting Two 6Yr Old Pugs


May 14, 2008
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Gloucester, UK
Hi all,
Been away for a while, but need your help now!

Im thinking of adopting two Pugs from my local animal shelter. They are 6yr old Pugs, one male, one female. Neither neutered.
Now we dont know any history of them at all. One is microchipped but details are o.o.d so they cannot contact anyone.

I have two kids aged 3 & 1, and always said Id never have a rescue dog as they wont have been raised to my high standards. But Ive fallen in love!

These dogs are not housetrained either, and soil in their beds. Im not sure whether this is stress or they have had no training. They have only been in the shelter for 15 days, and its the first time the shelter have had Pugs for 15 years, due to the expensive type of breed.

Please tell me what to do! I would love them, but am I chasing an impossible dream? Are they ever going to be clean so I havent got to worry about my kids?

Thanks all x
well i have a pug and can give some basic nolidge

they basically have two personalities tired and will sit and sleep on your lap and will just sit and have fuss or next to you

or very highper and want to play and will run about and have fun

the messing can be trained out im pretty sure

and the fact they soil in there beds could be territory from the two

from all the pug owners ive met all say no matter how much training they will yap when walking to see other dogs

and the cleanlyness theyre a pretty clean dog as they molt and have short fur however the molting is insane it is a hell of alot of hair if you have them on you you will be covered in hair

and rescue dogs can be bad but we have a rescue alsation x rotwieler and is really soft and will cuddle in but thats all i can say really but at the end of the day theres always exceptions
Hi all,
Been away for a while, but need your help now!

Im thinking of adopting two Pugs from my local animal shelter. They are 6yr old Pugs, one male, one female. Neither neutered.
Now we dont know any history of them at all. One is microchipped but details are o.o.d so they cannot contact anyone.

I have two kids aged 3 & 1, and always said Id never have a rescue dog as they wont have been raised to my high standards. But Ive fallen in love!

These dogs are not housetrained either, and soil in their beds. Im not sure whether this is stress or they have had no training. They have only been in the shelter for 15 days, and its the first time the shelter have had Pugs for 15 years, due to the expensive type of breed.

Please tell me what to do! I would love them, but am I chasing an impossible dream? Are they ever going to be clean so I havent got to worry about my kids?

Thanks all x

I Personally will arrange with the animal shelter to allow you an adaption period of at least 2 weeks to keep them and evaluate their adaptibility to the new environment and to your family setup..... If after this period you still feel dedicated and they fit into your requirements, then only, commit yourselves.... I did that when I ran the SPCA, and many animals was not adoptable due to specific requirements of the adoption family, but did great with other families.... Check it out first on a trial run
hia becci,how are you :)
goodness me is the little one a year old already

i have no experience with pugs at all,, but i hope you get the desired outcome

hope youre keeping well, lovely to see you here :)

shelagh xxxxxxxxxx

thats a fab idea Ludwig :)
Hey everyone, I havent been forgotton then :lol:

Yep Shel, Robbie is 15 months now, fully walking and talking! Hows that little lad of Sams doing, Josh isnt it? (hoping I got that right!)

I asked if I could have a trial run, but they said that it can take months for a dog to settle so its pointless as we wont get a true picture.

Ahhh I want them but Im scared its all gunna go wrong.
well you could take them then if it goes wrong then take them to another shelter or try to rehome to some one
Have you ever met a dog that couldnt be housetrained? I havent. I bet they just havent been trained. If it was a physical condition like a weak bladder or something, I doubt the other would have it too. So I don't think cleanliness would be the issue, you could keep the dogs in the kitchen until they are housetrained, so they don't soil the carpets, and just dont let your children in the kitchen without supervision until they are housetrained.

The issue I would have is that a lot of rescue dogs have been abused at some point, some by children, and these particular dogs might be aggressive or nervous around your kids - which is a danger, especially as they are so young. No matter how many times you tell a 1 year old, you cant guarentee he/she wont smack the dog, or pull its ears. You need to know that your children are safe.

The shelter should be testing the dogs' temperment to see whether they can live with children, whether they have any psychological issues etc, so you really need to talk to them before you go any further. They are probably very sweet dogs, it is just best to be sure.

I had a rescue dog that had been mistreated by children and neglected, and she was absolutely fine and probably the sweetest dog I've had. She just took a while to realise she didnt need to be scared all the time. I disagree that rescue dogs havn't been raised to high standards, most are given to shelters through no fault of their own and may well have been raised to stricter standards than your own. Having a dog from a puppy is no guarentee of temperment or behaviour. I mentioned the rescue dog I had with her sweet temperment, but I had a pedigree puppy from a reputable breeder when I was younger, who was very jealous and, no matter what we tried, would not stop nipping my little sister. We were advised to give her to a family without children, and now she is fine, she just couldn't accept being lower in the pack than a 2 year old.

One last thing - get them neutered!! You don't know if they are related or not, so you can't breed them. Even if they aren't related you don't know their medical history or family history.

Hope this helps a bit :)

Oh and if you decide to adopt them, I'm sure we'd all love to see the pictures :)
With me, It was policy to have all animals I rehomed Neutered or spayed.... I think that is one universal requisite!.... or am I wrong???....
Thanks for that info.
The shelter is neutering them next week, so that would be done.
Ive taken them for two walks now, both with my kids. My daughter has taken a shine to the black boy, who jumped onto her lap and proceeded to lick her to death! I tried a few things to wind him up (not much, just covering his mouth, putting my face in his etc), and he just licked licked licked. I also cant find any example on the internet at all about an agrssive pug. The female has kennel cough atm, so we cant interact with her until next week.
How long do we tink it could take to housetrain a totally messy dog? Or is that an endless question? I think I could deal with 6 months of mess, but not sure how much more than that,and I dont want to be unfair.

LOL, Wallace would win ugliest pet comp, he has a problem with his eyes so they bulge out of his head and he walks into things! So we are talking a squashed faced, snorty, piggy tailed bug eyed titch! But he wobbles when he walks!!
I deduct that these dogs are homed!.... (your mind is made up) Potty training is done in less than a week if the procedure is right.... Congrats on your new additions BecciMac.... I'm sure they'll be happy with you.... NOW!!! show us the pics!!!!
I dont know how to get the pics from my mobile onto the computer lol! I promise I will get some tomorrow when I visit them again and post them for you. Seriously, they are silly little piggys. Well, the female is obese so Im going to have to sort that. But I cant see them as dogs, they defo are pigs! Awww now just have to convince the other half, but thats usually easy :blush:

Oh and Lud, I will hold you to that timeframe for training :p
Hi Becci

Nice to see you back on TFF :good:

Seems like i'm going to be the only one with a negative answer :look: I don't like to see dogs with children the age of yours, be they rescue or not :sad: imo children below about 5yrs are more unreliable than the dogs and can cause even the best of dogs to snap. It's not worth the risk!

Seffie x
yeah my pug has a mark on his eye were he had a ulcer as ap pup and now is a bit blind in his left eye so runs abit like a crab lol
:lol: Hiya Seff,

I can totally see your point, but I know my kids, and they are supervised constantly. I dont have little monsters, they are sweet souls who are more interested in poking things into my partners xbox than annoying animals (and they are around 2 dogs lots at my parents house) :lol:
Sorry just read that back and I sound horribly smug, Im not, honest, I just know my children are really sweet natured!

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