adj water chg temp?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 26, 2004
Reaction score
east aurora new york
i will be doing my 1st water chg this week, my question is the de chlorinator i use the drops IS IT INSTANT? we do have well water and it is clhorinated some, the water seems to be fine, i put a few fish in the day after i filled 1st time to cycle now im ok...lost a few with the amonia spike (was aware of that)

i was planiing on just getting the temp to round 73-78 from tap, putting in treatment drops + filling, i mean if ya hold water in gallon jugs overnite they wont be warm enough correct? so can i jsut do the tap water thing with drops immediatly?????????????????????????? :unsure: .....

I just get the tapwater on at around the same temperature as my tank (by feel) and fill my 5 gallon bucket, adding a capful of dechlorinator at the same time. Ready to go.
Your plan sounds fine, one suggestion I would offer is to have an extra thermometer on hand to set your tap water to the same temp as what is in your tank. That will take all the guess work out of it, not to mention the worry about different temps.
kmurph said:
Your plan sounds fine, one suggestion I would offer is to have an extra thermometer on hand to set your tap water to the same temp as what is in your tank. That will take all the guess work out of it, not to mention the worry about different temps.
sounds good + i WILL grab another therm.. thats a great idea!!!!! well cool then out of the tap it comes..makes it easy BTW? how ya like my tank? its my 1st ever!!!!! making room for another one now should have it up and running in a few weeks gonna get a 30 gal long w/ the bigger penguim i like these filters so far..was thinking on the aqwa clear too but think il go same route there pretty nice do a great job too.....thx again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheers !!! [iii]D [iii]D
dechlorinators do work instantly. I always adjust the temperature by hand, it doesn't have to be perfect. Keep in mind that you are changing only a portion of the water. if the temp of the water in the tank is 78, and you replace 20% of it with water that is 70, the end result will be a temperature of about 76. The fish can handle a 2° change without a problem.

Your tank looks excellent btw.
thx for the compliment cic-addict...tanks are so cool to create!!!! cant wait til i start my next, its gonna be a 30 gal long (wish i could go biger but limited space darn) i also put a pic in april tanks of the month but not sure if i did it right..i looked and looked and couldnt see how ya could post your tank there? does someone have to nominate ya? if so i feel stupid cuz i posted there myself lol..wasnt trying to be pushy just wasnt aware how to go about getting yer tank in the competion,,love these freaking site tho, wish we could all get together !!! wouldnt that be scweeeeeeeettttttt...i always have email notification en-abled + look so forward to the reply here....... :flowers: *tanks again lol* :shifty:
I really like your tank. Those are very lifelike plastic plants you have in there. I just guess my water change temperature with my hand. I only change 5 gallons out of 26-30 gallons of water; that's a 20% difference. Even if the water was 10 degrees colder or hotter that would only be a 2 degree temperature change.

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