Adding Stuff To Your Tank


New Member
Mar 25, 2007
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southern california
Hi all!

Just wondering if its safe to add things such as gravel and fake plants to my tank even though its all set up and fish are already in there?

When I first got my tank I was on a budget but now I have some extra crash and I'd like to add a few things.

Adding stuff is normally fine, the biggest challenge is going to be the gravel, you'll probably need to temporarily move the fish out while you add the gravel and the other bits while you're at it. The fish will enjoy the extras in their tank, you'll probably find they're more confidant as a result of more cover too.
Ok here's a picture of my tank. Thanks for the help =)
What more do you want to add?
Maybe one more larger plant in the background? I'm going to add a honey gourami and want to make sure he or she has places to hide.

I thought I need more gravel but looking at my picture, maybe not. I guess?
No the gravels fine unless you want to keep real plants that need somewhere for their roots. What you got in there, I can't tell what's real and what's on the background?
I have the red plant and green plant in the back. & the coral looking thing.

The shorter plants towards the front, the rock, and a bunch of sea shells spread out on the floor. :)

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