Adding Fighting Fish To Tank


New Member
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
Langley, BC, Canada
I have a 29 gallon tank with 10 tetras (5 strawberry, 5 black skirt), 1 red wag platy, and 1 pleco. I want to add a fish with some different colour and was looking at a blue fighting fish at my local LFS.

The fellow there said that I could put a fighting fish in with my current fish with no problem. Is this accurate?

If a fighting fish wouldn't be a good mix with what I've got currently, can anyone suggest something that is nicely blue coloured that would get along well with my current fish?
I would not put a betta in with tetras. Tetras are fin nippers. They will nip at anything with long fins.

I don't know of anything else, unless you want to get some neon tetras. They might add some color. :)
How about some Buenos Aires Tetras. They're kinda colorful, and super speedy swimmers... lots of fun to watch.

Heya :)

I'm pretty sure you could add a pair of Dwarf gouramies or thick lipped gouramies. My male Thick-Lip colours up beautifully when he has had a feed of live bloodworm and live brineshrimp he also builds me a bubblenest in the community tank. A pair or trio of gouramies would be a nice center piece fish and colourful :)

Feel Free To Correct Me :p

while not ALL tetras are fin-nippers, skirt tetra (like what you have) are notorious for the habit. however, you have some options.

first, i'd suggest getting your platy some buddies. they've got platies in a silvery-blue color; those might could work.

next, just a simple three-spot gourami could be an option. there are two different blue color-morphs; one is a pale blue and the other is a very dark, almost cobalt color. but only add one, otherwise you'll have territorial disputes.

my next suggestion would be to look into a dwarf cichlid or similar bottom-dweller.
HI. I thought cichlids were schooling fish? Not sure if they all are, and I doubt that all cichlids would be considered schoolers. If the dwarf cichlids arent schoolers, they could make a nice addition as long as you don't pick an aggressive kind. I'd feel bad adding a single fish of a schooling species to a tank personally.

HI. I thought cichlids were schooling fish? Not sure if they all are, and I doubt that all cichlids would be considered schoolers. If the dwarf cichlids arent schoolers, they could make a nice addition as long as you don't pick an aggressive kind. I'd feel bad adding a single fish of a schooling species to a tank personally.


:lol: totally backwards!! cichlids are (for the most part) territorial. (although some, like discus and uaru, are timid and feel better in groups.) the dwarf cichlids are ALL territorial and as far as any of my research has turned up, only aggressive when breeding. thus, getting an individual might be a good idea.

however, some of the dwarf species such as Rams get mopey and depressed if they aren't kept with a mate. as with any fish, you'll have to do some independent research to figure out which species is right for you, should you be interested in a dwarf cichlid.

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