Actinic Timing


Wet pets make the best Pets
Aug 22, 2006
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Rochester, New York
Prob been asked a bunch of times, but how long during the day and roughly what time period should the actinics come on. I think I remember reading that they should only be on for a few hours during the normal day cycle. As of now, I have no corals except for a good colony of mushrooms. Plan on maybe getting some zoos and other mainly photosynthetic softies in the future, but nothing too crazy as of yet.

Thanks for the advice guys
Most people run actinics for two reasons... Coral color, and a "smooth" wakeup and bedtime for the fish. As such, many people have them come on 30-60 minutes before their primary lighting and go off 30-60min after their primary ligthing.
it also depends on what sort of lighting you have on the tank in addition to the actinics. If you have globes with a 10-14,000Kelvin rating then you probably don't need actinics for anything other than wake up and beddy bies like SkiFletch said.

If you have globes with a Kelvin rating of 4-6,000K then actinics can be on all day.
Ultimately aside from the wakeup and bedtime, you'll have to look at the tank and see if you think it looks better with the actinics on or off ;)
ok, so its not hurting anything to keep them on? I figured thats why you only had them on a few times a day... cause maybe the wave length could be harmful with prolonged exposure... But if not, I think it brightens up the colors so at least when company is over they should be on :good:
No, only thing it's harmful to (and really not that much) is your electric bill :lol:
ya... I'm feeling it already with the 125 freshwater I set-up. With the huge external and extra heater, it's increased my bill by like 10 bucks... I think all from the tank seeing as how I haven't changed my habits with most other things

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