Acf Newbie Questions!


New Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Hi everyone, first post on this board here.
Im thinking of getting an ACF as a pet on my desk.
I read somewhere that the whisper brand waterfall filters are a good choice, i was thinking of getting one, or possibly 2 frogs.

Im looking at a tank that measures 12"x 12" x 36", so that is about a 20 gallon long tank. The tank does not have a canopy, so i was thniking of making one out of plexiglass with small airholes in it.

I was looking at a whisper filter that is rated for a 60 gallon tank, figuring that a larger filter would help keep the small 20 gallon tank cleaner.

Would a tank and filter like this be adequate for the 2 frogs? is 2 a good number? Would the filter be too powerful and freak the frogs out with vibrations?

I originally wanted to get a single frog and keep it in the 20 gal on its own, but is this cruel,? would the frog be lonely? Does anyone ever notice different behaviour when they have a pair of frogs vs a single frog?

thanks in advance for your input

I'm pretty sure you can put 2 acfs in a 20 gallon tank.

EDIT: Maybe you would like to consider african dwarf frogs? With those guys you can have like 5 or maybe more in a 20 gallon. If its only for frogs then maybe you should get african clawed frogs as they eat much better than the dwarfs. The clawed frogs will eat anything ranging from worms to shrimp to fish. If you get them you can give them ghost shrimp as a treat. I think since they are frogs and not fish you can also feed them feeder guppys as treats.
Thanks! Ive had bigger tanks but sold them, starting to get back into the fish thing again, just thought id start with soething different.

The tank wont have any fish in it, dedicated to frogs only, some plants (hornwort) , Big rocks, and a couple tarra cotta pots turned sideways for hiding spots.
If I where you I would use a sponge filter or something along those lines, you don't want a 60g filter it will be too much for the frogs I'd bet... Either don't use a filter or use something light. A 10g-20g filter would probably be ok, mine had a filter for awhile but never seemed all that happy, constantly eating the bubbles....
ACFs do great in dirty water, they live in stagnant pools in the wild so you don't need to treat them with as much "care" in regards to water changing. Mine gets a water change once every 1-2 months and he's in a 10g tha was filtered. I'll probably have to change this but we shall see.
Remember NO metal in the tank or near the tank, and these guys are known to escape, make sure your lid is secure and non metal. Another solution thats worked for me is keeping the frogs on the plumper side, they can't jump out as easily considering mine gets pinkie mice (3 this week) and a bunch of pellets. Oh they are splashers to, so keep important things away from the tank.

A 20g tank I should say could hold 1-3 frogs. I would get ALL females, males will croak loudly and its a bit of a pain, although sexing them young can be a pain aswell. I'm not sure if males fight but I would guess so. Males will fight and I bet females may also fight. Make sure to get them all young and around the same size, they need to grow up together so they don't eat eachother, I can't add mine with anything she is just too mean. She lunges out of the water for my fingers, and tries to eat the fish net...

Yes BTW 1 frog on its own is fine, I feed mine live food now and again to keep her company...
I originally wanted to get a frog or 2 (probably just one now) because i thought i wouldnt need to bother with filters and crazy frequent waterchanges.
I will try to find a tank in the same 20 gallon size, maybe a taller tank would do well also?
Length and width are better than height for acfs. The 12x12x36 should be good.
Do i need a heater for the tank?
How often should i be changing the water? i read that they are used to living in stagnant water, bu t i dont think this means DIRTY water, i read on some forums that some folks barely change the water also,

Are there any snails that i can get to help eat leftover food/garbage?
Do i need a heater for the tank?
How often should i be changing the water? i read that they are used to living in stagnant water, bu t i dont think this means DIRTY water, i read on some forums that some folks barely change the water also,

Are there any snails that i can get to help eat leftover food/garbage?
NO HEATERS, do NOT heat your tank! Heat bothers these frogs and they do great at colder temps.
Dirty water isn't a problem. I change mine on max twice a month. Just use a graval vac to remove large peices from the bottom every few days you should be fine.
No snails, hard to digest and may cause impaction not to mention the sharp edges !
But is there a LARGE breeed snail that can go with these frogs? ones that dont need heaters and tons of calcium added to the tank?
Thanks for the info

WELL FOLKS! i went to pick up a tank at the LFS, and guess what! NOBODY in town carries ACF's anymore! :(

people can special order them , but only if i buy a bulk order, which i dont have space for.

Anyone know of a CANADIAN based website that would sell frogs?

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