Acclamating Fish


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
is it neccessary to put 1/2 cup of saltwater from ur aquarium o the bag because i never do this i just let the bag float for about 20 - 30 min then i put the fish in it
For saltwater fish those are both pretty bad methods, I take a few cups of water and set it in a container above the bag on a shelf or the lighting and then I run some airline tubing from the cup to the bag, tie a knot in the tubing and suck on the end til water comes out, then it acclimates for you, just check on the bag and empty it half way when it gets full, its easier then it sounds, If you dont do that you run a high risk of killing your fish, if you dont drip acclimate your shrimp its almost certain death, if you buy them. and fan worms, And definitley star fish. Oh whatever you do you should never let water get into your tank from the bag or the stores water, it might have deseases etc... in them. :)
Some people here are probably going to kill me for saying this, but IMO, most common fish can just be dealt with in the floating manner. Never put the water the fish came in in your tank though. Heck, I've had one of my gobies carpet surf for a few minutes and he survived... Most fish are more hardy than we like to treat them.

With corals and sensetive fish though, dont even think about just floating, you have to drip or add cups of water.
Some people here are probably going to kill me for saying this, but IMO, most common fish can just be dealt with in the floating manner. Never put the water the fish came in in your tank though. Heck, I've had one of my gobies carpet surf for a few minutes and he survived... Most fish are more hardy than we like to treat them.

With corals and sensetive fish though, dont even think about just floating, you have to drip or add cups of water.

*Kills SkiFletch* 8)
so skifletch im going to buy a pair of clown this week so do u htink i should follow ur method or are they too sensitive ......... and im planning to buy some cleaner shrimps so again do u advice of just foating the bag in ur tank
Float the SEALED bag for around 30 mins to equlise the Temperature

Then Open & fold the bags back so they float

Now either using a peice of flexible PVC pipe with a loose know tied in it you can use the drip method (Container of water above the tank) & leave to drip for a hour or 2 (remember to refill the container)


Pour a half cup of tank water into the bag every 10 - 15 mins for an hour or 2

I prefer the Drip method as it is more gradual

For Inverts I tend to take longer

Starfish (depending on the type) you should be looking acclimitising for in excess of 5 hours (at least)
im not really getting how to do a drip method and wat are the difeerence between drip and just putting 1/2 cup every 15 min
Honestly, I agree with Ski. The floating method seems to work fine. I haven't had any issues that way. Although, I do not acclimate when the lights are on.
Honestly, I agree with Ski. The floating method seems to work fine. I haven't had any issues that way. Although, I do not acclimate when the lights are on.

This method depends on how different your reading are from the tank the fish was taken from

IMO I would Drip acclimate all livestock.

I cant think of a reason why not to
Well I didnt mean to seem like a thick headed person or someone that only believes his opinion, so If your reffering to me then no I wont kill u Ski... But ya I just meant that make sure if you have a sensative fish, coral or shrimp etc... then its advisable to drip, adding a cup of water is fine but to me its a little more work. :) but It really depends on your tanks readings, if its totally different dumping a fish without acclimation to anything but temp, isnt sooo smart, but if its the same then Ide say maybe, I dont like to spend money to take chances :( but ya clowns are hardy once established but if your spending 50 - AND up for 2 of them especially a mated pair then you shouldnt take a chance but its up to u :) I always float for 3o mins, then start acclimating for 1-5 hours usually 2 But hey good luck all methods are usually ok, so ya fish are definitley more hardy and tolerable then what peopel type or tell you, I had my clown growing a mysterious brown spec and it kept getting bigger so i took him out layed him on a damp towel, then swabbed it off with a q-tip and then steralized his wound with some alcohol!!!! ha ha no j/k but i dabbed some iodine onto it and put him back into the tank, he didnt like it but is now healthy and has no deaseases But knock on wood.
i posted this on my last just letin u kno

i cant catch my yellow tail damsel do u think its safe to keep him in there with a pair of clown that im getting next week

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