Accidental Molly Fry


New Member
Aug 15, 2012
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I have a problem with hydra in my main 260lt.i read mollies would eat it and rid the problem without chemicals so I bought three black ones yesterday (seem to have 2 normal and 1 sail fin, bit random as came from same tank in lfs). I set them up in a quartine tank, came back from work today and loads of fry. Will be moving the mollies into main tank in a couple weeks but will I be ok moving the young? I really want to get my electric Blue rams in the other tank to try breeding but think the young will probably be eaten (I don't like mollies really but the fry are very cute and I feel attached!).
Main tank has 6 denisonii barbs, 20 black neon tetra, 5 green laser corys and 5 plecs.
Advice much appreciated.
I think the fry would be ok with being moved if you can catch them, but I have heard that hydra can kill fry. I think they eat them or something (you might want to check that).
Hope I've helped!!!

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