Accidental Fish

I've not yet had a fishy stowaway although I once bought 2 plants but was only charged for the 1 (I realised when I got home to my delight) and a plant I bought at the weekend came with a nice juicy what I think was a clear leech, which I very quickly disposed of :crazy:
I got 5 amanos of the price of 4 once, kept jumping out the bag and eventually the guy lost count.
i brought some harlequin rasboras earlier and the bloke counted 6 and i counted 6, he charges me £8 for six halequins and i got home and introduced my fish and i counted them ... there were 7 halequin rasboras, i got one free.

The glass cat wasn't looking particularly happy in my smaller tank, there's not too much in the way of cover and the betta was going for him every now and again so I thought last night I'd move him into the bigger tank where there's a bit more plant cover and places for him to hide. I did a big clean on both tanks, and then tried to net him, only he wasn't having any of it and I had to chase him around for ages, resulting in us both getting incredibly stressed out. I eventually got him, moved him to the bigger tank, where he swam headfirst into a plant, wedged himself awkwardly into the middle of it and died about an hour later. I feel bloody terrible. Maybe he'd have been alright if I hadn't tried to move him at all.

It gets worse. I'd unplugged all the electricals when I was cleaning Tank 1 like a good girl, but because the heater is connected to a different unit on the wall, I completely forgot to put it back on, what with the ensuing drama with the catfish. It was only when I had my fingers in the tank this morning to give them their bloodworms that I realised the water was cold. I feel so bad. By rights I should've woken up to a tank of stiffs, right? Please tell me it happens to everyone now and again, or I don't think I should be allowed in charge of livestock, ever! *sigh*
Not exactly fish, but had a shock with live plants.

Went to the Lfs with my six year old son (He likes to get involved with anything to do with the fish) to get some plants, anyway, after deciding which ones were best I asked him to bag up three bunches of Amazon Swords and two Java Fern (Five plants for a fiver) and took a stroll around the corner to get some frozen food. He came and found me with the bag so we progressed to the till to pay for them, the cashier asked if I had "five for a fiver", to which I replied "yes". When we got home I emptied the contents of the bag ready to wash them and found four extra potted plants which I hadn`t paid for, priced at £4.95 each. I asked what he had done and he replied that he liked them so he put them in the bag. :angel:

Oh well, not his fault, but you could say it was accidental plants insted of accidental fish. :good:
when buying my corys I notice an addition to my stock, a Harlequin. A delightful character so I info'ed up on him and soon realised he needed company of his own kind so off to the lfs. £8 later I had a thought......'spratt to catch a mackerel' ploy???? Either way I now love em :hyper:

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