About To Start A New Tank - What Fish Would Be Good.

Lord Zogat

Fish Crazy
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hi Guys, new to the board. Still debating what fish to put in my new tank.

I am currently waiting on the tank ornaments to arrived by mail. Then I will put them in and set the tank up the way I want. I have lots of paper thin shale rock for caves and hidey holes. Will have a few plastic plants and the likes.

The tank is a 20 gallon for my first one and will have to stay that way until I get my own place.

I was planning on starting with Cichlids but soon found out I would only be able to have 1 or two for that size of tank...ok thats no fun.

Then I though about getting Green Tiger Barbs, Tiger Barbs and Rosey Barbs to help cycle the tank with, but didn't realise how aggressive they were to one another. I don't want fish that are going to pick on each other by nature. I am mainly after peaceful colorful fish. So would Platies and Gouramis be a good choice to start with as well as for cycling the tank?

Thanks for your help and suggestions.
Hi there Lord Zogat!
I have also just set up a 20 gallon tank and havant decided on the fish for the tank. Like you, I also want colorful and peaceful fish. So Platies and Gouramis do look like a safe choice to begin with. I have been reading up on a few others and will post any useful fact and information soon. I still have to pick out the ornaments for my tank. I dont think going with real aquatic plants is a smart idea to begin the tank with. Artificial might be the way for me right now. Do post pictures!!
i started with live plants, they are a great thing to have in the tank!!! better than artificial. gourami's are famously fragile fish and are very fussy. if i was you i would start with something hardy like danio's or white clouds.
perhaps angel fish? a wonderful breed. they can recognise their owners as well :rolleyes:

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