Aandtsociety Aquarium Club Gold Coast Collecting Trip And Videos


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2009
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There are two more trips coming out of the members section very soon for all unregistered to see.

This trip was mainly just a day out for a snorkel and video a particular favourite fish of some one,it was a small lip stick tang and this was seen the day before, we see large ones but this one was only around an inch long and couldn’t find it,it must have been collected or killed,oh well thats the way the cookie crumbles!

Also we had to get some cunjivoe for fish food.

The fish seen this time were not really any thing any one wanted, the few caught was all any one wanted.

There were heaps of very dumb semicirculatus around and would have been so easy to catch, a few Moorish idles, another saddle back chaetodon and a very large anemone, which was no good as there were no clowns in it, give it a couple of months!

There were heaps of fish that no one in the club wanted, so the ones that were wanted were caught and it was time to video some life forms and just have a peaceful swim around.

The pics are of the few things wanted.



A nice masked banner and a common banner fish.

One of three moorish idles seen,they seemed to have not been chased as yet,shame no one wanted any.

One of the prettyist of the common fish the sargent majors,shame they are so nasty,this lot were doing there bit fertilizing and guarding there purple eggs.

There are heaps of lions around this year,this will be a huge problem for next seasons offerings.

This hermit had a problem getting onto the rock next to it,heavy house!

An adult mimic tang,we have some already in the club,so this one was just filmed.

A very nice bristle tooth tang and a common banner fish.

These are mangrove jacks schooling,they are always here and i have told a few fisherman,but still very few people know to fish this spot.

A couple of semicirculatus,not very bright,the little one swam right over my net,all in the club that wanted one has one,so it was just videoed.

Another saddle back chaetodon and that adult mimic again.

These large bream(tarwhine)seemed very keen on hanging with me,one bumped into the side of my mask and no one fisherman there either,you tell them where they are,but they all still fish in the trendy spots and theres nothing in those spots,its not just the fish that aren't to bright.

I have one main tank,but mainly five plastic marine environments,one is a dedicate algae scrubber.

The plastics are always very messy the display looks better.

More or less,it's a meredithi,east coast version of a personifer.

we get a few around here.

There was a pic of it in one of our trips with it in my hand.

Cocky little fish,loves its cunji and the young tips on the caulerpas,turtle weed and coralines.

The one i had before,i gave to one of the guys,it got a bit big,the tank is only three foot.

One draw back to the greenery,it needs a pair of scissors in there once a week or it takes over the whole tank,it does my protein skimming,phosphates and waste conversion to valuable elements.

With out it the one and a hlaf years with out a water change would not have been possible,the current plastic system has a dedicated algae area with next to no other life in there,its mainly just for scrubbing,i would never have a system again with out a multi species algae scrubber.

It is to much work,the next one will do far better,all remote!!
It's a meredithi,in the old book form a renowned Ausy fish guy,the book describes the slight variations between the two and though slight,they are a little different,more so with the blue on the adult.

About one and a half hours from brisbane,which is where we live,are areas where in some years when i used to work with a couple of commercial guys,we would get betweeen 5 and 50 in a day,the guys up on the sunshine coast handle a lot of indemics and the meredithi is an indemic to east Aus.

This is when i caught the current one.


how much would it cost for one about that size in the uk and are they easy to keep

thanks scott
Hi mate, got to say nice tank. just a bit curious though... did you go and collect all fish and corals in the tank yourself? cheerz

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