A Whole Lettuce Leaf?


Fish Crazy
May 2, 2004
Reaction score
Bristol, UK

I've just looked in my tank for the first time this morning and noticed that the whole lettuce leaf I put in 2 nights ago has completely vanished! It was about 6" in diameter and I didn't expect the whole thing to go at all, in fact all of yesterday they showed almost no interest in it - I was planning on taking it out this morning.

I'm guessing the the most likely culprit is my pl*co, but it seems like a lot of lettuce, even for him. I assume that it won't do him any harm???

Also, I've always liked the idea of giving my fish a 'varied' diet, but am terrified that I'll accidentally poison them or something. So far I've given them squashed peas - which they seemed very keen on, thawed frozen carrot - which just sat on the gravel for 2 days, until I took it out, and now this lettuce - which I poured boiling water on, attached a weight to and put it in.

Really, I suppose my question (yes - there is a point to this post, sort of) is does anyone have any good tips for interesting foods for my fish, and are there any absolute no-no's. I've seen elsewhere that they can't digest animal fat, but anything else?

MY GOD!!!!

I've just realised that I'm now a 'fish fanatic' and have 2 little fish next to my name!!!

Whoo hoo!


Oh, and thanks waterwatereverywhere, I'll try those!

I forgot to mention that I tried apple once as well, but they weren't very impressed with it.

My catfish love lettuce and make nice patterns in it as they munch away :D

Have you tryed cucumber, zuccini and potatoe? They like to such the seeds of of the cucumber and zucinni first then when they finish it off. I just started the potatoe thing and this is a strong favorite.
If you haven't tried them already, frozen bloodworms are always a favourite for fishies, just don't overfeed them these, IME, they can give some fish a little constipation if they guts more than their share down. Also, zucchini (cooked until softish & with the skin removed) is sometimes liked, esp. by my snail. That's the main 2 I vary my guys' diet with, but I have heard of people using things as diverse as spinach, potato, & even rockmelon. Just make sure whatever you use is washed really well, soft (partially cooked if need be), & doesn't sit in there more than a day.
Yeah, thanks queengumby, I do already give them bloodworms, which are most definitely their favourite.

So you say to cook everything and make it really soft - I guess that makes sense, when I tried the apple it was exactly as I would eat it, which I guess isn't how fish like it...

Well, I'm not sure that they'd like apple any way you cook it but you can try again I guess :p Whatever it is, I just put a little water in a container/bowl, & sit the piece of whatever in there - the water shouldn't cover it, but come about 1/3-1/2 the way up the food. Stick a lid on & microwave, think I do mine for about 30secs, but might vary depending on your microwave. You don't want it sloppy, just soft. Let it cool for a minute before you put it in. Just make sure any zucchini you put in is a young one because older ones (the ones that taste more bitter) have something in them that can be toxic to fish. Also, if there's skin on something, peel it, because if there's been pesticides or anything sprayed they can stay in the skin even if you wash it well. Plus, if you want to give them more meaty things, you could go for other frozen goods like tubifex, brine shrimp, etc. if you don't already. Just don't start experimenting with really rich meats like ox heart or liver - some people feed really big guys (eg. oscars) things like this as a treat, but they're super protein enriched & some fish can find it hard to digest, & if fed too often it can make them overweight.

Hope that helped, goodluck :)
Cucumber :D :D :D :D
squished peas :D :D :D
bloodworms :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D (for those who get a look in!)
Courgette/Zuchini :dunno: first piece ever put in last night, haven't checked yet ;)

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